King's Business - 1962-04


AFFORD TO RETIRE at the world’s only Christian mobile re­ tirement campus at Oceanside, Cali­ fornia — 38 miles north of San Diego — known for the finest tropical all- year climate. Those over 60 years who qualify will live in this fabulous sun- soaked retreat — a colony of 1,000 carefully selected men end women of all denominations. Sumptuous luxury mobile units with 20 ft. x 13ft. living rooms, 2 bdrms., kitchen, and bath and Yz — Over 760 sq. ft. Your own private castle on your own estate. $100 Down holds your choice—$1,400 moves you in—total of $13,500 additional for life can he financed. Free — insurance — medical aid — utilities — maid service — gardener — electric cars — art — sewing 4r- instruction in crafts — and much more. Developed by a large group of Christian business and profes­ sional men dedicated to provide twice the living for half the usual cost. This non-profit co-op corporation is under­ written by ministers and Christian business corporations across the land. W e expect to sell out by April 20, 1962. Write or wire San Louis Rey Campus Business Offices, 569 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California. SOUTHAMERICA 1 Million Jews Who Need Christ— How Long Must They Wait? The need and the opportunity can be read between the lines from a letter Dr. Garten- haus wrote to a friend: "Sometimes I almost wish I had not gone to South America, for since then the burden of that dark continent has weighed very heavily on my heart. I met several very capable Jewish Chris­ tians, prospective missionaries, and I am asking the Lord to help me raise the support for five more missionaries. With His help I shall: get it. “Everywhere I went I found the doors and hearts of the people wide open. More than ever I believe that God’s time to favor Zion has come.” Share with us this burden not only for the million Jews of South America, but of other parts of the world. Write for free copy of our bi-monthly THE EVERLASTING NATION, rich in news of world Jewry. Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC.

Dr. Robert A. Cook has been named president of King’s College, Briarcliff Manor, New York. He succeeds the late Dr. Percy Crawford, founder and first president, who died October 31, 1960. In accepting the presidency of the 400-student institution, Dr. Cook said, “ I believe ray whole life till now has been a preparation for this new ministry. It would be hard to find a greater challenge than that of enlisting and training young people for Christ-honoring service in our troubled time.” Guatemala City was the site for a five-day spiritual retreat sponsored by World Vision, Inc. Ministers of many denominations met for special ses­ sions of Bible study, prayer, fellow­

Under the auspices of the Christ for the World Committee, the Moody Institute of Science will present daily “ Sermons from Science” lectures fea­ turing Dr. George Speake, at the Cen­ tury 21 World’s Fair in Seattle, Wash­ ington. In' addition to science lectures the committee has planned for coun-


seling services with an all-out effort toward personal evangelism. Pictured above is the Sermons From Science Building located right in the heart of the Fair. Youth for Christ International dedi­ cates their newly-occupied headquar­ ters building this month, according to Dr. Ted Engstrom, president. Dallas Theological Seminary and Graduate School of Theology have held their annual missions week. Speakers included Rev. Arthur Glasser, China Inland Mission; Rev. Bruce Ker, missionary from Ceylon; and Rev. J. O. Percy, general secretary of the IFMA. Dr. Victor E. Cory, founder and long­ time president of Scripture Press, is

ship and testimony. Left to right is Rev. Norman Parish, missionary to Guatemala, who served as interpreter, Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, president of Guatemala, Dr. Luis Fernando Galich, mayor of Guatemala City, and Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc. Dr. Merv Rosell, well-known evange­ list, has been asked by the Christian and Missionary Alliance to “ spark” its city-wide emphasis on evangelism in Miami, Florida, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of The Alliance as an evangelical, interna­ tional missionary organization. The eight nightly services will be held in the Dade County Auditorium. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship has announced the release of a new film of Christian work among college youth, “ Inter-Varsity on Campus.” Dr. O. E. Sanden, for ten years the pastor of Warrendale Presbyterian Chiirch, St. Paul, Minnesota, begins a ministry with “New Awakening” Campaigns. His headquarters will be at 3537 Thirty Third Avenue, S, Minneapolis 6, Minnesota. Rev. Mr. Sanden will be speaking upon the subject of Science and Religion.

pictured here introducing Mr. Vincent C. Hogren, the new president of Scrip­ ture Press, the second in its 28-year history. Christian Service Brigade marks an­ other step in its growth with the pur­ chase of its own headquarters build­ ing in Wheaton, Illinois. Mr. Clyde H. Dennis, founder of Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illi­ nois, died February 14, 1962 in Los Angeles, California. His death is a great loss in Christian service.


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