King's Business - 1962-04


Patriots for Christ

theme for '62

Khrushchev boasts: "Communism will conquer the world by 1980!” Within the last ten years millions o f people have been enslaved by atheistic Communism. How is the Christian Church meeting this challenge? By indifference? Or by rekindling a burning devotion to the ' Lord and His infallible Word, and to godly principles on which our nation was founded? VBS affords a now-or-never time to instill love for G od and country into the hearts and lives o f our youth. They must more than match the loyalty and dedica-. tion o f Communists. That’s why we have chosen the theme PATR IO TS FOR CHRIST for ’62 VBS. It’s an impelling, dynamic theme for the whole family, from Nursery children to Adults, that will make them "strong in the Lord and the power o f His might.”

30-MINUTE S0U N D /C 0 L0R F ILM STR IP Get both VBS per­ sonnel and pupils excited about VBS

1962 SUCCESS BOOK Make your 1962 VBS successful. The Scripture Press VBS Success Book

combines all the helps of our former HOW-TO book and our Guidebook. This new 32-page colorful book is packed full with helpful information . . . teacher recruitment, public­ ity plans, VBS daily schedules, a planning calendar, information on the popular pack­ aged handcraft, demonstration program and handcraft display ideas, and description of materials for each department. 50c per copy postpaid. with this inspiring filmstrip. It tells the story of a young East German refugee boy, living with an American foster family, who finds Christ through VBS. Order this helpful film­ strip now . . . $3.50 with 12" LP record, plus 30c postage (or $5.50 with tape recording). For free showing contact your Christian bookstore or write to Scripture Press giving date preferences. SCRIPTURE PRESS Jgt W H E A T O N , I L L I NO I S Long Beach, California •' Oshawa, Ontario • London, England Please send the following: □ N EW 1962 VBS H O W ­ T O SUCCESS B O O K Name_



Get acquainted with the 1962 VBS course. Order the PATRIOTS FOR CHRIST Intro­ ductory Packet. Examine teacher and pupil manuals,

(includes complete details on the 1962 course). 72 V 2 1 6 4 ,5 Off,postpaid. □ VBS Filmstrip, with record, $3.50 plus 30c postage. □ W e would like to schedule a FREE showing of the filmstrip and record for the date indicated: 1st choice_________________ 2nd choice________________ □ FREE, complete listing of 1962 course. □ Introductory Packet, 13.95 plus 30c postage and handling.



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Position in Church-

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Full Church N am e-

samples of exciting, patriotic publicity items, and the 1962 Success Book. A $5.24 value for only $3-95, plus 30c postage and handling.

Church Mailing Address—

M AIL COUPON TO your local Christian Bookstore or to SCRIPTURE PRESS, Wheaton, Illinois KBS-42

APRIL, 1962


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