Spectrum: Hip, Knee, & Leg Pain

Patient Success Spotlight Historias de éxito de pacientes


At SpectrumTherapy Consultants, you will receive hands- on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to go to Spectrum Therapy Consultants if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury

“Everything’s been great, easy and the staff has been more than helpful. Spectrum Therapy Consultants helped me in many different ways. They listened and worked at my pace. I would absolutely recommend Spectrum Therapy Consultants – their attention to detail, friendly staff, no complaints!” - Allan L. “Todo ha sido estupendo y fácil, y el personal ha sido más que útil. En SpectrumTherapy Consultants me ayudaron de muchas maneras distintas. Ellos me escucharon y trabajaron a mi ritmo. Definitivamente recomendaría a SpectrumTherapy Consultants: son atentos a los detalles, sus empleados son amables, ¡no tengo ninguna queja!” - Allan L.

1. Call and talk to your therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program

Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes Pruebe este ejercicio si sufre de dolor de piernas.

Strengthens Knees


KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Hold for 30 seconds. Alternate knees and repeat 8 times. ESTIRAMIENTOS DE RODILLA:

En posición de sentado, estira los músculos del muslo para presionar la parte posterior de la rodilla contra el piso. Mantén esa posición durante 30 segundos. Cambia de rodilla y repite 8 veces.

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