the Chair Message from
Reflecting on the year that has passed, it is heartening to see that more and more people are returning to the cultural activities they enjoy. Festivals are reporting stronger attendance, students are returning to weekly lessons, people are visiting galleries, museums and heritage sites, and communities are filling up their schedules with varied cultural events and activities. With this increased activity we see that applications for funding are on the rise. While some cultural experiences are still working to return to pre-pandemic levels, the cultural community as a whole has rallied and re-engaged many Saskatchewan audiences and participants, both in-person and online, who appreciate and value cultural activity in their lives. Just as pleasing, in May 2023, SaskCulture, alongside our partners Sask Sport, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association and Government of Saskatchewan, renewed the Lottery Licence Agreement for six years (2024-2029) with a 3.75 per cent lottery licence fee. As long as lottery ticket sales remain strong, this lottery agreement guarantees eligible sport, culture and recreation organizations will continue to benefit from Sask Lotterie's proceeds. Thanks to this funding, residents benefit from a wide range of cultural programming and services, which foster the growth of inclusive and engaged communities and contribute to individual well-being, community pride and overall quality of life throughout the province. It’s important to note that by signing this agreement, SaskCulture agrees to help distribute funding to support these six public interest priorities: engaging diverse populations and creating inclusive communities; building community capacity and leadership engagement; supporting quality programs, facilities and environments; increasing accessibility; recognizing excellence and
celebrating achievements; and supporting individual well-being and active, healthy lifestyles.
Along with community needs, SaskCulture takes these priorities into consideration in its planning and review of funding options. It is hoped that the Funding Program Renewal Project currently underway will help us support an inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible cultural community into the future. As this is my last year as Chair, I want to take this opportunity to say a special thanks to my fellow Board members and to Dean Kush and the amazing SaskCulture staff for all their hard work and support throughout this busy but exciting year. In addition, a very large thank-you to the many members and community cultural leaders who are working each day to support Saskatchewan’s dynamic and vibrant cultural experiences. Their work, along with the dedication of the SaskCulture Board of Directors and SaskCulture’s staff team, is contributing to engaging residents in meaningful cultural experiences and creating a culturally vibrant Saskatchewan.
Jan Seibel
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