IGA W ordm ark
Hoop & Staf Icon
Hoop & Staf Icon isthe term used to describe the hoop & staf portion ofthelogo.
IGA W ordm ark isthe portion ofthe logo thatcontainsonly the leteringthatiscom prised ofthe words,“Indian Gam ingAs ociation.”
Entire logo (Hoop & Staf Icon and IGA W ordm ark together)should be used in m ajorityofscenarios.Exceptionsm ayoc urwhen the H oop & Staf icon isbeing used byitselfforartisticstyling of Indian Gam ingAs ociation prom otionaland branded m aterials. N ote:Aluse ofthe acronym forN ationalIndian Gam ingAs ociation (N IGA) should no longerbe used.Alreferencesto Indian Gam ingAs ociation should use entire branded nam e when pos ible.
* Ac eptablequick referencescan beIndian Gam ingorIGA.*
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