2019 Assistance Catalog


Questions and SERC’s responses are located on the FAQ & Lessons Learned webpage under Outreach. Look through the categorized topics for questions you may have or for answers to questions you

didn’t know you had. The Q&As are listed by categories; those under Standards

by standard family and then numerical sequence. A green NEW box appears next to the question for 30 days after posting. No reference is made to any company when an FAQ is posted on the SERC website. Registered entities may submit questions directly to SERC staff or anonymously through an O&P or CIP Registered Entity Forum representative. There is a link on the webpage to submit questions. There is also a link to the SERC Acronym Reference Index. Questions are assigned to a SERC subject matter expert (SME). Responses are returned as soon as possible based on the SME’s schedule. If a question requires ERO Enterprise collaboration to ensure consistency, it is referred to the O&P Compliance Task Force (OPCTF) at NERC, and you are notified there will be a delay in receiving a response.


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