2019 Assistance Catalog


In this age of connectivity, company information like names, titles, emails, and phone numbers are readily available online. This makes it easy for someone to impersonate a partner, a well-known company, or even an internal employee in an attempt to steal information for malicious purposes. The NERC E-ISAC has observed a steady increase of targeted attempts to impersonate executive leadership, HR, and Finance departments at organizations inside the electric sector. These attempts often come in the form of emails, text messages, or phone calls. SERC staff are regularly trained and informed on ways to identify common malicious communication traps. We encourage our entities to do the same, and strongly encourage registered entity staff to be vigilant with both internal and external emails, especially around HR, Finance, and PEI programs. Emails or texts that seem urgent, soliciting, or suspicious in any way should be carefully examined. Reaching out to the sender via an alternate means of communication is encouraged if you are unsure. The SERC assistance program is focused on helping registered entities build or improve their current malicious email prevention programs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for Assistance, and remember to always, “think before you click” links or attachments!


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