DHSs. The framework for design, operative planning, and oper- ation depicts a target system for the transition in existing DHSs and can work as a blueprint for new DHSs. These contributions align the relevant activities in a transition-facilitating and eco- nomically efficient way. Different stakeholders, such as policy- makers, municipalities, and DH companies, can apply them. Since the development was limited in time and scope, fur- ther innovations are needed. For example, the advantage of introducing competition to accelerate the transition requires further evaluation on a macroeconomic level. It should con- sider the effects of the economy of scale and scope if com- petition were introduced on a national or even supernational (EU-wide) level. Further, the proposed concepts require further implementation. For example, the smart market dispatch model must be implemented and tested. Such an exemplary implementation is done in our current research project “Inte- grierter Wärmemarkt (Iwm)” [https://www.iw3-hamburg.de/ iwm-waermemarktplatz/]. Finally, the entire framework re- quires a practical implementation.
By giving the supply temperature a price, the DHSs may be operated with locally different temperatures. This enables the operator to optimize the supply temperature considering the demanded temperature of the customers, heat losses, ther- mal stress, costs for temperature production, and network ca- pacities.
To include these effects in the short-term markets, the principle of smart markets should be applied, as depicted in Figure 6.
Finally, these market routines are combined with a complete control and monitoring platform to control the relevant actu- ators for the system’s temperature, pressure, and flow rates. In case of deviation, this system control must be able to differ from the market results to keep the system stable and effi- cient. Conclusion The research shows that existing DHSs have a lock-in to high temperatures. Operators have only a low incentive to reduce these temperatures if existing (combustion-based) heating plants are still beneficial. The literature research identified that no comprehensive methodology is available to solve this issue from a systemic perspective. Therefore, concepts were devel- oped to contribute to research and practice.
You will find the thesis on which the article is based here: https://www.doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185882
The presented eight DH scopes provide an orientation for all stakeholders involved in the transition or implementation of
For further information please contact: Dr. Peter Lorenzen, peter.lorenzen@haw-hamburg.de
Peter Lorenzen
What makes this subject exciting to you? In practice, I have seen many internal processes designed by people only considering their individual perspectives. Usually, a systematic evaluation of the interference of all processes in a way that facilitated the green transition was missing. So, I particularly enjoyed looking at the different processes and activities from this generalist perspective. In addition, I liked the fact that this topic is so multifaceted and complex. It encompasses many different disciplines and connects innovative technical tools and best practices. What will your findings do for DH? Specifically, my findings can be directly applied to the daily DH business. The eight DH scopes have the potential to cluster different research topics and give an orientation of current tools and methods. The new framework depicts a target system for design, operative planning, and operation. All the different contributions shown in the dissertation align the relevant activities in a transition-facilitating and economically efficient way. Furthermore, I think that the issue of competition in the district heating sector is seen as negative by many companies. However, I see it as an excellent opportunity to build more knowledge and more efficient processes. The entire DH indus- try would benefit from this and make district heating a pioneer in the green transition, also in economic terms. I would be delighted if my dissertation could provide an impetus for a factual discussion of competition in the DH sector.
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