PPA | Sun Street, Frome



2.1 This PPA has been commissioned to identify the potential for the development of

land located at the end of Sun Street a predominantly residential street in the

historic market town of Frome. It is understood that the land is informally used for

parking by residents, without the permission of the owner.

2.2 Frome is the largest town in Mendip, where the adopted Local Plan focuses new

housing. The site benefits from a location within the defined settlement boundary,

close to the town centre, and consequently use of the land for housing would

accord with the adopted spatial strategy.

2.3 The town sits in a hillside location and Sun Street has a sloping topography, with the

gradient increasing east-west and south-north. The former Lamb and Fountain

Public House (no. 57 Castle Street) - a Grade II listed building directly behind the site

to the north - and the modern housing development to the west, at Hoopers Barton,

sit in elevated positions above Sun Street. The site is visible in public views at the top

of the steps between nos. 57 and 59 Castle Street to the north-west.

2.4 The site is in the historic core of the town, in a Conservation Area and close to listed

buildings. Thus, any housing proposal will need to be fully informed by the historic

context, respecting the setting of neighbouring listed buildings; and preserving and

enhancing the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

2.5 The land (circa 0.01 ha in area) is enclosed by tall stone boundary walls (likely to be

curtilage listed) along the northern, western and eastern site boundaries.

2.6 Sun Street is a narrow cul-de-sac, circa 4.2m in width, with a footway along the

southern side only and the houses sitting at back edge of pavement. There is no

existing on-street parking (apart from the informal parking that takes place on the

site), however some of the properties have off-street parking (without any space to

turn and exit onto the street in a forward gear).

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