preserving the [listed] building or its setting or any features of special architectural
or historic interest which it possesses.” There is also a statutory duty 3 for development
to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of a conservation area.
National policy 4 requires that “great weight” is placed on the need to conserve
heritage assets, including listed buildings and conservation areas, and any harm or
loss requires “clear and convincing justification.” 5
3.3 The restricted size/area of the site; the relationship to listed buildings; and the tall
boundary walls are likely to constrain the capacity of the site.
3.4 The site could be deemed to form part of the historic setting to the former public
house (no. 57 Castle Street) despite not physically being part of the same planning
unit (neighbouring land and buildings can be deemed to form part of a historic
building’s setting) and the rear elevation may also have been designed as a
principal elevation. Consequently, this could constrain the development potential
of the land.
3.5 The historic maps available on ‘Know Your Place’ 6 demonstrate that there were
buildings on the site between 1844 and 1943 (see Figures 2 and 3). There are no
later historic maps for this site on that website, but it is assumed that the buildings
disappeared at some time between WW1 and WW2. Thus, the principle of a
building on the site has been established and provided the relationship of the site
to the historic pub as well as to the listed building to the east (no. 13 Sun Street) is
carefully considered, the reinstatement of built form on the site could be regarded
as conservation gain.
3 Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 4 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), updated February 2019, and the associated guidance, the National Planning Policy Guidance 5 NPPF, Paragraphs 193 and 194 6
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