Board Converting News, April 19, 2021

Steve Robinson (CONT’D FROM PAGE 14)

shaped my life, just as it did Truett’s. I don’t dwell on it, but because of this common grace-based faith that Truett and I shared, it made my work more fulfilling and easier. Because I had a pretty good understanding of what was important to him and most of those principles and val- ues are important to me, too. Q: Do you believe the idea of ‘character over qualifi- cations’, as expressed in your book, would work for all companies, no matter the market they served? A: Yes! Any business will be more innovative and success- ful if it is comprised of people who trust each other’s judg- ment and integrity. These will be folks who can be trusted and, therefore, empowered to make important decisions closer to the customer. Q: In your book, you mentioned your $2 million mistake. How important are mistakes in the growth of a company, using them as learning opportunities? A: CRUCIAL. People must feel the freedom to try new things. The real art is having a process for testing and de- velopment of ideas that help determine unforeseen risks and maximizes insights before a business wide rollout. Q: Several AICC members are also members of fami- ly-owned, multi-generational companies facing transi- tions to next-generation leadership. What can you share

and suppliers about the three Rs: Relationships, Reputa- tion and Relevance? A: All three grow out of a value that personal connections are more important than just transactions. Relationships are a priority because whether customer, supplier or mem- ber of the business family, every relationship is important to developing loyalty, brand clarity and sustained business. Reputation is the brand. Every customer contact either adds to the brand reputation or depletes it. There are no neutral business touch point. So you better select the right people that will contribute to the reputation you want and they in turn will create not just transactions, but brand ad- vocates. Relevance is fundamentally keeping the customer the most important constituent in the business. Not owners or stockholders, not employees, but customers. In turn, you will be an aggressive listener to customers, in a systematic way, in order to know how to keep your business offerings, experience and brand messaging relevant. If you lose rel- evance with customers, you will not be all you can be. Q: You write of your own Christian faith and its impor- tance to your life and your work? How do you address this in your presentation? A: I simply share my story of realizing the truth of God’s grace through his son. It was a milestone that dramatically


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