Emery Law Office - February 2020


BARKS FROM BELLA THE JOYS OF TRAINING NEW DOG OWNERS A few months ago, I told you that we’d become dog owners to a wonderful chocolate Lab named Bella. This month, we debut a new semiregular column that sees the world from her perspective. I hope you enjoy Barks From Bella. Boy oh boy, having new dog owners comes with some learning pains. Melissa and Dave have been wonderful to me from the moment I’ve met them, but I think we’ve both had to learn how to live together. For my part, it’s strange to have humans to answer to, but it’s more than worth it for the care and compassion they provide me. For their part, well, I think they’re learning some of the subtleties of caring for little old me. Case in point was the aftermath of my spaying. The operation itself went fine, and the vet told my folks to keep me from running and jumping. What they didn’t realize was that I really should’ve been kept sequestered so I couldn’t do damage to myself. The vet probably assumed they knew the drill, but they definitely did not. I got up to my old tricks and broke open my stitches. Bleeding like a stuck pig, I went to the garage to whimper. Thankfully, Zachary had swim practice that morning (I’m envious of his skills in the water), and he and Melissa found me. By the time we got to the vet, I had no pulse. Things were looking grim.

DATE TRUFFLES Inspired by The Minimalist Baker

Valentine’s Day is all about love … and chocolate. Enjoy these chocolate peanut butter date truffles with your date this Valentine’s Day. INGREDIENTS

• 1 lb medjool dates, pitted (about 1 1/2 cups) • 1/2 tsp sea salt • Warm water • 1/4 cup peanut butter • 1 cup bittersweet or dark chocolate, chopped • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted


1. Using a food processor, blend dates and sea salt until dough can be formed into a ball. Slowly add enough warm water to mixture to thicken dough.

WE WANT YOU TO THINK OF US AS YOUR LAW FIRM. If youhave a legal matter that needs attention, let us know. If we can’t handle thematter,wewillreferyoutoafirmthatcan.Pleasefeelfreetoreferustoyour friends and family for their legal needs.Wewelcome the opportunity tohelp. 5. Coat balls in chocolate and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. 6. Top with additional salt and freeze for 30 minutes. Serve at room temperature. 2. Roll dough into tablespoon-sized balls. Freeze for 20–30 minutes. 3. In microwave, warm 1/4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for another 20 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, in microwave, warm chocolate with coconut oil until melted. Stir well.

Thankfully, and as you can probably guess since I’m telling you this story, I made it through. It was a tough two weeks of no activity, including wearing the Cone of Shame™, but I’m back to feeling great again. Really, the only remnant of our ordeal is the gnarly shave job on my legs from when they tried to put IVs in me. While I wouldn’t recommend any human or dog go through the same experience I did, it definitely brought me closer with my new family. Seeing the way they fought for me, I feel like the luckiest pooch on the planet.


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