The MDTA also promotes community involvement through litter clean-up events. In April 2024, the MDTA held a stream clean-up of a key MDTA mitigation site. Additional community involvement includes a recycled and reused art contest, in which employees create art pieces using only repurposed materials. These artworks are judged by fellow employees based on overall appeal, creativity, and the variety of repurposed materials used. Climate Change ENERGY AND RENEWABLES Burning of fossil fuels is the single greatest contributor to climate change. Although fossil fuels make up most of the energy consumed in transportation and electricity generation, use of renewable energy is growing quickly. The MDTA is doing its part to address climate change, working to reduce its fuel and energy use and developing plans to increase renewables and biofuels in its energy mix. Management of Fuel, Energy, and Renewables The MDTA understands that every effort—even small ones—can have a significant impact on reducing energy and saving money. Current efforts include the following: Retrofitted 8,680 fluorescent fixtures with light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures at the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95, I-395). Installed a simplified version of an Energy Management Control System to reduce electrical energy consumption and demand. Eliminated the use of potentially dangerous personal space heaters following an assessment of employee needs. Evaluating converting parking lot and other high intensity discharge light fixtures with LED fixtures. This conversion, where feasible, could result in wattage reductions from 400 to 100-watt units in some areas and a lamp life of 100,000 hours versus the current fixtures, which offer half that amount. Investing in solar panel light fixtures for warning signs located at ramp entrances and assessing its use in other areas, including bridge lighting, where solar or LED lights also may be utilized safely. Investigating the use of Plug Load Controls (PLC), which automatically shut off power to electrical equipment (computers, monitors, printers, calculators, task/desk lights, fans, etc.) while employees are away from their desks for an extended period. Currently, the MDTA is developing a study to determine the technical feasibility of installing solar panels at MDTA-owned facilities. The agency currently has two existing projects with planned solar panel installations and is conducting a feasibility study to identify additional sites for future installations. The MDTA plans to work with The Secretary’s Office to transition current electricity contracts to Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). The MDTA also is in the design phase of a plan to upgrade existing tunnel lighting within the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (BHT – I-895) to more energy-efficient LED lighting. Newly installed lighting will be monitored and controlled by an intelligent lighting control system with automatic dimming
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
23.2% 23.8% 21.7% 22.7% 25.5%
In addition, MDTA roadway and automotive maintenance employees practice recycling and ensure non-recyclable materials are disposed of properly. Practices include: Recycling items collected during roadside maintenance, such as landscaping trimmings, rubber tires, and scrap metal. Recycling materials generated by automotive maintenance, such as used oil, sludge, and non-hazardous antifreeze. Identification and proper disposal of hazardous waste, including “household hazardous waste” that cannot be discarded as general refuse. Ensuring no trash or debris is maintained or stored outside of properly marked dumpsters. Equipping external trash-collection containers with lids to prevent rainwater from picking up residue or debris and contaminating stormwater. 2023 CONSTRUCTION RECYCLING DATA
Recycled steel/metal Recycled concrete Recycled asphalt
10,036.53 19,652.09 47,912.65
Other recycled demo material
Solid waste (landfilled)
Waste and Circularity Community Outreach Since 2011, the MDTA has hosted an Earth Day fair, featuring information booths that educate employees on how they can contribute to environmental improvement in their communities. Each fair includes captivating presentations, diverse exhibitors, and a celebration of the agency’s annual recycling contest winners. Awards are given to the facility with the highest overall recycling rate and the most improved recycling rate. The Earth Day fair is just one of the MDTA’s exciting outreach activities. Throughout the years, the agency has held environmentally focused staff outings to locations throughout the community, including Green Street Academy Charter School, Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant, Alpha Ridge Landfill, Maryland Agricultural Resource Council, and Poplar Island.
Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 14
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