Planting Accomplishments Throughout the 2024 fiscal year, the MDTA had more than 50 active projects, varying from highway construction to stream restoration. These projects resulted in the planting of 7,447 trees, 6,526 shrubs, and 32,428 herbaceous plants. Of the 50 active projects, 37 were under the reforestation and roadside tree laws. Reforestation projects accounted for 4,511 trees and 2,070 shrubs, whereas, roadside tree projects accounted for 291 trees, 694 shrubs, and 500 herbaceous plants. Project Natural Resource Impact Mitigation The MDTA performs mitigation for unavoidable impacts within the project limits or on the MDTA right-of-way wherever possible; however, in some cases off-site mitigation must be executed. The MDTA works with State and federal agencies to achieve appropriate and adequate mitigation for impacts. A few Through its I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension project, the MDTA completed the following activities: ƒ 22 acres of wetland restoration, enhancement, and preservation. ƒ 13,000 linear feet of streams restored. ƒ 6 noise walls constructed - 2 under construction, 4 planned. ƒ 72 acres of planted or protected trees, including 20 acres planted within the Express Toll Lanes project limits, 25 acres of reforestation in Baltimore County, 20 acres of existing forest on 3 MDTA properties will be protected with a restrictive covenant, and future reforestation of approximately 7 acres. Critical Area Commission Banking ƒ Almost 2,000 trees have been planted for various projects within the Chesapeake Bay critical area. examples of the MDTA’s work are as follows: I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension ƒ The MDTA is working with the Critical Area Commission to provide ecological uplift within MDTA-managed and surrounding land to promote a more biodiverse environment than previously approved tree mitigation. WATER Although Maryland has relatively abundant water supplies, it is still critical to maintain and protect sources of water. Protecting water from contamination not only maintains water quality for drinking, wildlife, and recreational use but can also reduce water treatment costs. Management of Water Sources The MDTA is committed to managing stormwater and has initiated efforts to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution into the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, including developing a GIS database and mapping system of the stormwater drainage network; building and maintaining stormwater management facilities to treat, retain, and promote infiltration; developing facility pollution prevention plans; installing silt fence on construction sites; taking precautions to prevent fuel leaks; and controlling and limiting pesticide application.

Off-site Compensatory Stormwater Management – Restoration of a Tributary to Gilbert Swamp Run (Nice Bridge Bowling Property)

The Nice/Middleton Bridge Replacement Project incurred impacts in the Lower Potomac Watershed where the MDTA offset those impacts through off-site mitigation at a site located on a private parcel in Charles County. The MDTA required approximately 1,100 linear feet of stream restoration to meet Stormwater Management and Critical Area requirements established by the Maryland Department of Environment and the Critical Area Commission. The goals of the project were to protect drainage infrastructure via long-term stream/floodplain stability, reduce sediment and nutrient pollution from streambank erosion to improve surface water quality, and improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat. The project restored 3,026 linear feet of the existing unnamed tributary and created approximately 3 acres of wetlands, finishing construction in March 2024 and planting by May 2024. A total of 885 trees and 2,765 shrubs were planted on-site to meet reforestation goals. Little Northeast Creek Mitigation Site The Little Northeast Creek Mitigation site is a site located in the Northeast River catchment area within the Chester-Sassafras Watershed in Cecil County, Maryland. The 2.9-acre site provides off-site compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to non-tidal wetlands and waterways associated with the Belvidere Road Interchange project. The mitigation site converted 1.6 acres of agricultural lands/reed canary grass monoculture to palustrine forested wetlands, enhanced 0.47 acres of existing wetlands and 0.83 acres of wetland buffer, and stabilized 700 linear feet of stream utilizing beaver dam analog structures to maintain grade and backwater the creek to raise the groundwater levels to support the created wetlands. The restored stream reach also provides measurable reductions in total maximum daily nutrient loads. The entire site was seeded and stabilized with native herbaceous plant species and replanted with native trees. Environmental Justice The MDTA recognizes the importance of and strives to uphold environmental justice across all of the agency’s operations and construction activities. Economically distressed communities often face greater hardships in raising revenue necessary for infrastructure projects and are more susceptible to the negative effects of environmental pollution. Pollution-burdened communities are typically characterized as those in proximity to sources of pollution, which leads to elevated health risks and lower life expectancy among residents. Often, communities experience both disadvantages simultaneously. These challenges intersect, creating a compounded effect where the lack of economic resources makes it difficult for these communities to address and recover from environmental issues and easier for polluting entities to avoid accountability. Cycles of economic hardship exacerbated by health problems due to pollution may follow, which in turn hinders economic recovery and growth. The MDTA evaluates community impacts alongside environmental impacts to understand potential interconnected and overlapping affects of the agency’s activities. In the coming years, the MDTA will continue to evolve and enhance its environmental justice efforts and programs.

17 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report

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