Leave Benefits The MDTA’s employees receive annual leave; the amount of annual leave earned depends on the length of the employee’s State service. Employees may carry over a certain amount of annual leave days from one calendar year to the next. Full-time employees also are granted seven personal days per calendar year, which may be used for any purpose. Upon hire, new employees receive 1-7 days of personal leave. The amount granted is determined by the employee’s date of hire. Full-time employees earn 15 days of sick leave per year, and there is no limit to the number of sick days an employee may accrue or carry over into a new calendar year. Accrued sick leave is credited to employees’ service time at retirement. Employees who are members of the State Employees’ Leave Bank program may receive leave for a serious and prolonged medical condition after their leave has been exhausted. Through the program employees may donate leave to co-workers for certain medical conditions. Part-Time Employees All permanent, part-time employees earn salaries prorated for the number of hours they work. These employees also earn prorated leave. Employees who are actively employed at least 50% of the work week are entitled to receive full health insurance benefits and may participate in special programs offered. Other Benefits One of the MDTA’s key programs at the nexus of benefits and engagement is the Career Development Program. This program is available to all employees who seek continuing education and meet established program criteria. The program covers employees’ eligible educational costs and manages partnerships with educational institutions that allow costs to be billed directly to the agency. The MDTA’s direct partnerships with education institutions alleviates the burden of employees paying out of pocket and waiting for reimbursement. The MDTA tracks participation in the Career Development Program and aims to increase participation each year. In 2023, 60 employees participated in the program.
The MDTA also develops and mandates numerous employee training courses with varying requirements for employees of different levels and functions, including systematic monitoring and tracking employee training and learning through the learning management system, Cornerstone. Cornerstone helps MDTA leaders assign training courses to employees, track progress and completion, and manage learning and development across the organization. In 2023, MDTA employees completed 2,560 hours of training. The MDTA continues to evolve its employee training offerings and creates new trainings frequently based on needs identified by senior management or employee feedback. The MDTA also has a robust professional development program to provide employees with the best opportunities for growth and internal mobility. The agency is invested deeply in its leadership development program, which includes technical and soft skills training to develop effective management capabilities. The MDTA’s leadership programs include: Mind of A Leader This training is developed on the premise of mindfulness, selflessness, and compassion, and involves readings and discussions on current work situations and how improvements can be made. Recognizing that employees of all levels contribute to the success and happiness of the organization, the MDTA’s goal is to have all employees participate in this training. Leadership Investment for Tomorrow The Leadership Investment for Tomorrow (LIFT) program is tailored for high-performing MDTA employees who are not yet serving in supervisory or managerial capacity. Talent, creativity, innovation, and potential leaders exist within the MDTA at all levels and positions, and this program is meant to inspire and prepare MDTA employees for the next level of their career goals. During this seven-week program, participants are exposed to a variety of leadership skill building sessions, dynamic guest speakers, fireside chats with executive leadership, and a tour of several unique job sites throughout the agency so employees can better understand the work of their peers and all that the organization offers. Supervisory Training and Engagement Program The Supervisory Training and Engagement Program (STEP) program is customized for new to mid-level leaders who have been in their roles for approximately six months to a year, across all MDTA operations. During a seven week span, participants can acquire impactful tools and insight on select skills and habits employed by successful leaders in today’s dynamic business environment. During this program, participants delve into a diverse array of leadership concepts designed to enhance their comprehension of managerial approaches. Supervisor Essentials Training Supervisor Essentials Training (SET) is a required training intended for all MDTA personnel with a supervisory or managerial role. This biannual, two-day training provides MDTA leadership personnel with critical knowledge and resources related to the procedures, policies, rules, and regulations that govern the workplace.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The MDTA receives directives on employee initiatives from the offices of the Governor and the Transportation Secretary that mandate statewide training for MDTA employees. For instance, the State of Maryland requires sexual harassment prevention training for all State employees, including MDTA employees, within 60 days of hire, and biennial refreshers.
Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 19
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