TITLE VI PROGRAM PLAN MDOT, as a recipient of federal financial assistance, is required to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal nondiscrimination laws and authorities. The MDTA, as an authority under MDOT, thus is also required to comply with Title VI, and cannot, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, either directly or indirectly: Deny program services, aids, or benefits. Provide a different service, aid, or benefit, or provide them in a manner differently than they are provided to others. Segregate or separately treat individuals in any matter related to the receipt of any services, aid, or benefit. The MDTA’s Title VI Program Plan was approved for FY22-23 and is being updated at this time. Until the update is completed, the conditions and intent of the program are applicable. The MDTA is one of several transportation agencies that comprise MDOT and receives financial assistance from federal and State agencies. In accordance with federal law, any entity or organization that receives federal financial assistance is deemed a recipient and is therefore required to comply with the non-discrimination requirements established under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its supporting regulations, Executive Orders, and authorities. These laws and regulations require recipients to ensure non-discrimination in any programs, services, and activities that they conduct and/or support. To meet compliance requirements and to ensure its eligibility to receive future allocations of federal financial assistance, the MDTA developed a 2023 Title VI Civil Rights Program Plan, referred to as the “Plan.” The Plan is intended to be a living document that serves as a technical resource and tool to assist MDTA personnel, sub-recipients, contractors, consultants, stakeholders, and other interested entities to understand their duties and responsibilities for compliance with Title VI, and related non-discrimination statutory regulations and executive orders.
The DEI program aims to integrate inclusion and belonging throughout the MDTA, foster cultural competence, drive organizational change, and implement DEI strategies that coincide with the MDTA’s plan, mission, vision, values, and related goals. The following are significant accomplishments for the DEI program: DEI Commitment Statement: Drafted the MDTA DEI Commitment statement, received executive approval, and posted the message on the MDTA’s public website . Through this statement, the MDTA memorialized its commitment to supporting DEI publicly. Established the MDTA DEI Committee: DEI Committee members represent the entire MDTA workforce and guide the MDTA on DEI matters. Committee members serve as organizational leaders supporting the advancement of the MDTA’s intercultural competence so that its workforce can be: Responsive to, engaged with, and trusted by employees and the communities the MDTA serves. Effective in delivering high-quality programs and services. Supportive of a relationship-focused work environment where all employees feel valued and contribute their best. Competitive to attract and retain a highly skilled workforce. DEI Climate Survey: The first confidential online DEI climate survey was launched in January 2023 to tap into all employees’ perspectives and opinions about DEI. The survey results were distributed to all employees and posted to the DEI intranet page. Other DEI activities: The DEI program established additional initiatives such as the DEI Lunch and Learn, the DEI intranet page, and the DEI Updates Newsletter. The DEI Lunch and Learn introduced the DEI program to all employees and served as an opportunity to share information, ideas, and experiences. The DEI intranet page offers a single source for employees seeking information about the DEI program. Employees can find information such as resources to increase their DEI knowledge, view the DEI commitment statement and climate survey results, and view a calendar of observances and heritage months. The DEI updates newsletter serves multiple purposes – education, awareness, and outreach. The newsletter offers monthly bundled messages such as a DEI word of the month, a breakdown of observances and heritage months, DEI history, general information, and an opportunity to spotlight employees’ unique stories.
23 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report
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