Visual Inspection: Visual inspections are performed on roadway pavement and traffic safety annually, consisting of a combined visual and hands-on inspection. For all other assets, a visual inspection is performed via visiting each asset to confirm its overall condition rating or NBIS rating, reported the previous fiscal year. Visual inspections are used on all MDTA facilities and reported in the MDTA’s annual Executive Summary report. Emergency Inspection (Damage Inspection): Emergency inspections are performed to investigate and determine a course of action for conditions that affect either the integrity of a structure or public safety. Emergency inspections are not reported to the FHWA unless the results of the emergency inspection reveal a critical finding that is detrimental to the overall strength and/or capacity of the structure. A critical finding may also be a complex safety issue that can affect the traveling public in the immediate and short term and may require analysis and/or design. For tunnels, the MDTA directly reports to the FHWA. For bridge assets, the MDTA reports findings to the State Highway Administration who in turn, reports to the FHWA. Special Inspection: Special inspections consist of visual and hands-on inspection of more significance than Priority 1 defects that often require monitoring, until remediation occurs. Special inspections may also result after an emergency inspection is performed whether or not a critical finding was found. A custom monitoring schedule for each special inspection is established by the Structures Department to ensure appropriate monitoring throughout the remediation process. Any data collected during a special inspection are reported to the FHWA after each interval until repaired or deemed not necessary. In-Depth Mechanical/Electrical Inspection (applicable to the Curtis Creek Bridge and to Tunnels): An in-depth inspection is an inspection during which the mechanical and electrical parts of the movable portion of a bridge are dismantled, closely inspected, and reported on. In-depth inspections are performed every 72 months on the Curtis Creek Bridge and, as needed, post replacement and/or remediation of machinery parts within the tunnel vent buildings. In-depth inspection data are reported to the FHWA the following calendar year. Underwater Inspection: This inspection is performed to evaluate and document the condition of structural elements located beneath the water surface that are not accessible by conventional inspection techniques. Underwater inspections are performed on a 48-month interval for all workhorse, complex bridge, and waterfront structures. Underwater inspections may also be assigned after a severe storm or flood event occurs on any structure deemed scour critical. Data for bridge assets are reported to the FHWA the following calendar year.
MANAGEMENT OF LONG-TERM MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE The MDTA’s Facilities Inspection Program is responsible for ensuring that the MDTA’s eight facilities are in good repair, working order, and condition. Through the program, the MDTA performs facility inspections following requirements set forth by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the NBIS, National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS), the MDTA’s Trust Agreement (latest amendment), and industry standards. Facility inspections include: All bridges Tunnels Underground stormwater management structures
Sign structures Toll gantries Water/communication towers High-mast and low-level lights CCTV camera poles Toll plazas Weigh scales
Waterfront structures Roadway pavement Retaining walls Noise walls Traffic safety features
The following types of inspection are performed at various intervals for different types of assets throughout the facilities. Note that month intervals are shown for assets reported to FHWA: Biennial Inspection (Routine Inspection): The biennial inspection is a hands-on inspection for all components of workhorse and complex bridge structures, as well as tunnels. It is performed in accordance with federal regulations every 24 months. The MDTA reports asset data such as overall condition of each structure to the FHWA each calendar year. Each year the FHWA uses all bridge and tunnel data to perform a compliance review in accordance with metrics unique to each asset. Quadrennial Inspection: The quadrennial inspection is a hands-on inspection performed every four years to determine the overall condition of all non-bridge assets. Risk Based Interim (RBI) Inspection: RBI inspections are voluntary inspections performed on any asset outside of the routine or quadrennial inspection interval, and as requested by the Structures Department. The MDTA uses these inspections when deficiencies are found during routine inspections and require repair through design. These deficiencies are forwarded to the Construction Department within a one-year timeframe or sooner. The MDTA elects to revisit these deficiencies during RBIs to monitor them while design is ongoing. RBI inspections are not required by the FHWA, and therefore are not reported; however, results are included in the MDTA’s Annual Executive Summary report.
Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 9
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