March 2019
Just the other morning onmy way to work, I passed a patch of bare dirt with the unmistakable purple heads of crocuses beginning tomake their annual appearance. The plum and cherry trees I walk past have begun to blossom, their branches adding life and color against the backdrop of gray cracked sidewalks and dull granite curbs. The grass is greener as well, the birds are a little louder, the days are a little longer, and the rain is making its presence known by deeply soaking and cleansing the parched landscape. Taking our cue from the renewed earth, this spring we will be offering a new treatment option here at Rising Sun Physical Therapy. Since 2002, laser treatment has been used in the U.S. to aid and increase recovery for a long list of medical concerns. Like seasonal renewal, laser treatments have the power to imbue your cells with increased energy that can be used to diminish pain, lower inflammation, and speed the healing process. For only 5 to 10 minutes in just 6 to 12 sessions, you can experience a improved healing rate in conjunction with physical therapy treatments. At Rising Sun, we are always looking for newways to better serve our patients. We are delighted to be able to add this amazing new treatment option as a way to help you on your road to recovery and well-being. Be sure to ask one of our physical therapists about adding laser treatment, or call the office today! MONTHLY MOMENTS Bettina’s
The college admissions process can be one of the most stressful experiences of a young person’s life. From the SATs to extracurriculars, students do everything in their power to ensure they end up going to their dream school. You would think that after all the effort expended on applying to schools, a teen would get a chance to rest. But that’s not how it works. As soon as they hear back, students have to make a very important decision: What school they will end up attending? National College Decision Day arrives on May 1, but students and their parents would be wise to discuss their options well before the deadline. If you’ve never helped a child decide where to enroll, it’s easy to feel just as daunted by the prospect. Being a parent in this situation is a delicate balancing act. You want to steer your child in the right direction, but you don’t want to commandeer their choice. With that in mind, here is a list of dos and don’ts for helping kids choose colleges. You can sort academic institutions by a number of different characteristics when you do your research. One of the most relevant distinctions is the difference between public and private schools. Public colleges and universities receive government funding, which often results in lower tuition costs. Many states also have programs that will allow in-state students to attend their public colleges and universities at significantly reduced costs. On the other hand, private institutions earn most of their money through tuition and alumni endowments. The cost tends to be higher, but private institutions often offer more merit-based scholarships than their state-funded counterparts. Another important consideration is whether your child would prefer to attend a liberal arts college or university. Liberal arts colleges are usually smaller schools with a focus on social sciences and classical disciplines like literature, mathematics, and history. Most liberal CollegeDecisionDayDos andDon’ts H ow to H elp Y our T een M ake T heir C hoice DO: UNDERSTAND THE INSTITUTIONS
-Bettina Neumann
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Cover story, continued ...
arts schools are more sharply focused on undergraduates. Universities are larger and comprise many different colleges for specific fields of study, including liberal arts colleges themselves. Universities also cater to graduate students as much as undergrads.
school rankings would be a lot different than an aspiring engineer.
Despite your best wishes, your child won’t just be at school to study. They’ll be living there, and it’s essential that they enjoy it. Even if a student loves their classes, they’ll be miserable if they don’t partake in the college’s culture and environment. Some schools are known for their school pride and athletic departments. Others are known for their arts programs. Some are in the middle of nowhere. Others are in the midst of bustling cities. You get the picture. Don’t overlook these characteristics when thinking about what’s the best fit for your child.
Some parents are fortunate enough to allow their children to decide where to go to school free of financial considerations, but the vast majority are not. With student debt at an all- time high, there’s no point in ignoring the fact that college is expensive. Teens are notoriously imprudent when it comes to money — as any parent who’s been surprised by a massive Fortnite- related charge can attest to — so helping them understand this piece of the puzzle is extremely helpful. Guide them through the differences in costs and aid packages in ways that make sense to them. You may not be able to save them from student debt, but at least they’ll know what’s coming.
Since its debut in 1983, U.S. News andWorld Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” report has been a source of aspiration and anxiety for high schoolers and their parents. While you should research any institution your child is considering, comparing rankings on the U.S. News list can do more harm than good. To a 17-year-old, being able to say you chose one of the “top 50” universities is a point of pride. In the grand scheme of things, though, it means very little. First off, it’s foolish to assume all schools are judged equally; it’s difficult to numerically rank universities with definitive accuracy. Second, nobody should choose a college in a vacuum. If your child wants to be a professional actor, their top
As much as Mom or Dad might know best, this decision ultimately belongs to your child. Inform and advise, but never hijack their choice. After all, you’re not the one attending.
CREATING A HOME CARE PLAN To Live Your Best Retirement
When retirement approaches, you may be thinking about the freedom you’ll enjoy after putting in your last nine-to-five. It’s a culmination of years of hard work and a cause for celebration! Before you get to celebrate, though, it’s important to consider what kind of support you might need down the road. With our generation living longer than our parents, there’s a possibility that we may require additional support services. You and your spouse may not know if either of you will need in-home care, but considering this possibility and the financial factors that come with it can help you better enjoy this exciting phase of your life. In most cases, neither Medicare or Medicaid covers in-home care. There are some exceptions, like home- and community-based services that are state and locally funded and cover those who qualify through Medicaid. If you or your spouse are veterans and meet the requirements, you may be eligible for aid and attendance benefits. These benefits are paid for by the VA in addition to a veteran’s monthly pension. It may cover
the costs of in-home care for veterans who require the aid of another person or are housebound. Visit to learn more.
Still, you may not want to rely on qualifying for one of these services. Consider adapting your estate plan to include designated in-home care. Meet with your attorney to review your living trust and see if it addresses a caregiver. Talk to your family members and loved ones about the possibility that you or your spouse may need this service. While a family member may offer to step into that role, consider how easily they will be able to carry it out. Even a part-time caregiver could provide you with support and make your family members feel like they are not doing it alone. Planning for the possibility that you may need in-home care services can help make your retirement even more enjoyable. Knowing you’ll have a close helping hand can ease your family’s worries and even strengthen your bond.
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Sugary Cereals Are No Better Than Candy
It’s no secret that most breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and carbs. Starting your day with a hefty bowl will inevitably give you a sugar high that crashes into a haze of fatigue not long after. What’s worse, however, is that some cereals are even more unhealthy than you might realize. Do you remember the old Reese’s Puffs slogan: “Candy?! For breakfast?” Reality isn’t far off. Kellogg’s Honey Smacks and Post Golden Crisp are two of the biggest offenders when it comes to sugar content. By weight, Honey Smacks and Golden Crisp are more than 50 percent sugar. That’s more sugar than your average cake or cookie. And there isn’t much more nutritional value to make up for the excess sugar. These puffed rice cereals contain less than two grams of protein and one gram of fiber per serving, which is remarkably low. For reference, Honey Smacks lists 1 1/4 cups as a serving, while Golden Crisp considers 3/4 cup a serving. That said, most people don’t measure out food based on the recommended serving size. With these two cereals, the combination of puffed rice and a lack of protein means you won’t feel full until you’ve overindulged. By eating twice the recommended serving (about two cups), you’ve consumed the same amount of sugar found in one can of soda.
This type of oil keeps the cereal shelf-stable for longer, but the American Heart Association points to it as a major dietary cause of heart disease.
Many other cereals are just as bad, including Kellogg’s Froot Loops and General Mills Trix. These two cereals hide behind the guise of“fruit,”which many people associate with better nutrition. But you won’t find balanced nutrition in either of these cereals. Froot Loops is just under 50 percent sugar by weight, and Trix is just under 40 percent. Both cereals also contain artificial food dyes and flavorings. Trix also contains corn syrup, which has been linked to the rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes. When you eat 10 grams of sugar in any form— which is in just one cup of Trix —or more, depending on the cereal, you can expect a spike in blood sugar. A blood sugar spike early in the morning can often translate to low energy later in the day. Over time, a diet high in sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Honey Smacks is the worst of the two because it contains hydrogenated vegetable oil —one of the unhealthiest food-based oils you can consume.
Homemade Corned Beef
Take a Break!
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2 quarts water
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 2 pounds ice 1 5-pound beef brisket, trimmed 1 small onion, quartered
1 cup kosher salt 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons saltpeter (potassium nitrate) 1 cinnamon stick, broken into large pieces
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns 8 cloves garlic 8 whole allspice berries 12 whole juniper berries
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1 large carrot 1 stalk celery
2 bay leaves
1. In a large stockpot, combine water, garlic, and all herbs and spices tomake brine. Cook over high heat until salt and sugar are fully dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in ice. 2. Once water temp reaches 45 F, place brisket in a 2-gallon zip- close bag, pour in brine to cover, lay flat in a large container, and store in fridge.
3. Brine for 10 days, checking daily tomake sure brisket is fully submerged and brine is stirred. 4. After 10 days, remove brisket frombrine and rinse under cool water. In a large pot, cover brisket, onion, carrot, and celery with water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and gently simmer for 2 1/2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve.
Basketball Bracket Final Four Gold
Ides of March Irish Leprechaun Lucky
March Madness Rainbow
Shamrock St Patrick
Recipe courtesy of
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Rising Sun Physical Therapy
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500 Sutter Suite 514 San Francisco, CA 94102
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bettina’s Monthly Moments PAGE 1 Where to Go to College PAGE 1 Considering the Costs of Home Care PAGE 2 Candy? For Breakfast? PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Homemade Corned Beef PAGE 3 3 Ways to Honor International Women’s Day PAGE 4
International Women’s Day
OnMarch 8, people around theworldwill honor InternationalWomen’s Day. Adopted by the UnitedNations in 1975, the holiday ismeant to highlight the immeasurable accomplishments of women throughout history and drawattention to the ongoing struggle for global gender equality. InternationalWomen’s Day is celebrated differently around theworld. Some nations, like Nepal, give all their citizens the day off. Most countries, however, including the United States, treat it as a normal day, at least officially. Even thoughwe don’t have the day off, there aremany ways for everyone to honor InternationalWomen’s Day this year. Here are a fewof them.
lives.Whether you’re inspired by famous historical figures or thewomen in your own life, take the time to talk about that influence.Whichwomen helped get youwhere you are today?What female leaders do you look up to?What are some lessons you’ve learned from them?
to express themselves is a great way for your company to take a step forward in fostering gender equality.
Regardless of your gender, March 8 is the perfect time to tune in to the larger conversation surrounding gender inequality, if you haven’t already.This couldmean attendingmeetings or demonstrations in your town, readingworks that capture the female struggle for equality, such as Roxane Gay’s“DifficultWomen,”or seeking out blogs and social media accounts fromgender equality activists online. InternationalWomen’s Day is about appreciating the contributions of women to society and envisioning amore equal world for the future. However, you decide to celebratewomen this March, keep inmind that nomatter who you are or where you come from, we all have the power to change our world for the better.
Many of the challenges women face globally happen in theworkplace. If you think your company has room for improvement in its treatment of women, now is a great time to do something about it. Even if you believe your company treats women andmen equally, there’s no harm in empowering your colleagues to talk to give their opinions. If you’re an employer, this couldmean givingwomen in your workplace an avenue to discuss issues, air grievances, and make suggestions. If you’re an employee, consider asking for such a forum. In either case, providing both public and anonymous avenues for women
Frommajor innovators, like Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer, tomegalithic literary icons, likeMaya Angelou, women throughout history have shaped howwe live our
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