Board Converting News, July 8, 2024

PPC Celebrates Success Of TICCIT Program

The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC), announced the success of its TICCIT (Trees Into Cartons, Cartons Into Trees) program, thanks to the dedication and commitment of its member companies across the country. The TICCIT program, which educates schoolchildren about the envi- ronmental benefits of recycling and trees, has reached new heights this year with unprecedented participation and impact. Created in 2010 by PPC, the TICCIT program is held at schools nationwide around Earth Day. After classroom learning sessions, students pot tree saplings into paper- board cartons filled with soil to take home and plant with their families.

Once planted, the paper cartons will naturally biode- grade, completing the “trees into cartons, cartons into trees” lifecycle. Over the last 14 years, the program has planted over 120,000 saplings. PPC members facilitated TICCIT programs to students in their local communities throughout the US this spring, inspiring stu- dents to create a more sustainable future.

TICCIT continues to thrive with the sup- port of PPC members nationwide, who en- gage with schools and local communities to plant trees and spread awareness about recycling. This year’s program has seen a record number of trees planted, and countless students have gained valuable insights into the lifecycle of trees and the sustainability of paperboard packaging. Eleven companies from across the United States participated in the program with Accord Carton, American Carton Company, Baumer hhs, Diamond Pack- aging, Graphic Packaging International, Malnove, Manchester Industries, Matik,Inc, Metsä Board, Pusterla US, Sappi, and WestRock. These companies collectively planted nearly 8,000 saplings. Over 7,000 students were involved in planting trees, showcasing the extensive reach and im- pact of the program. “The success of the TICCIT program is a testament to the dedication and commit- ment of our members,” said Emily Leon- czyk, Executive Director and Vice Presi- dent of the Paperboard Packaging Council. “Their support and active involvement have enabled us to educate thousands of young minds about the importance of sus- tainability and the critical role that paper- board packaging plays in protecting our environment. The collective impact of their work underscores the power of communi- ty and collaboration in driving positive en- vironmental change.” Teachers and administrators can gather all the resources needed for their school or youth organization at to participate in the program.


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July 8, 2024

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