Capt. Paul Brownback, Academic Dean of WOLBI graduated from West Point Military Academy, served in Germany and Viet Nam, and graduated from Talbot Seminary before coming to WOLBI. Along with his administrative duties, he taught Theology, Hermeneutics, Synoptic Gospels, Church History, and Apologetics throughout the year.
Did you ever have so many exams? The neVv procedure had its ad vantages - - a new teacher every two weeks and no pileup of exams at the end of schoo l! Subjects from Song- leading to Theology, Greek to Apologetics, kept study time widely v a r ied ! !
"This is now library t im e ! We \ please!"
e it quiet
Familiar? Stuart Page, graduate of Syracuse University - - State College of Forestry, is WOLBI's Dean of Students, Among his official duties are the more fam iliar ones of imagine* the peace and handing out demerits daring , . .
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