CLAS 2021 DEI Annual Report

All of that needs to be attended to.” This is recognized as particularly critical for URM faculty arriving in a community and campus that is predominantly white. As the discussion came to a close, the group emphasized the importance of CLAS literally “building in” inclusion, such as more gender-neutral bathrooms and attention to accessibility for people with disabilities. “I think about space,” a participant said. “If you always have a space that is wheelchair accessible, if you always have captions on your Zoom calls, then we are building a culture where everyone is welcomed because we are eliminating barriers before you even get here. These changes are benefits to everyone.”

The group agreed that DEI work can and should belong to everyone, too.

“Lasting change can’t only come from advocacy by people with marginalized identities,” said one participant. “It’s really important to recognize that building a more equitable, more inclusive culture requires all of us working shoulder to shoulder.”


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