Wake Forest Public Transit Plan - October 2023

Factors to Increase Motivation for using the Bus

When asked what could entice them to ride the bus at all or ride the bus more often than they currently do, the most important factors relate to connectivity. Specifically, respondents said that they would like buses to get them closer to their homes (48%) and go to more destinations (49%). Other respondents were concerned with service, wanting buses that get them to their destinations faster (42%), that come more often (37%), and that are available at more times of the day (36%). Thirty-seven percent (37%) would consider taking the bus or taking it more often if they had more information about bus routes and bus schedules. Many other reasons were given for not riding the bus more often, with most of them indicating that there is no incentive that would encourage them to ride the bus. Bus service and safety were higher priorities for frequent riders. At least half of these riders wanted buses to be available more times of the day (58%), buses that run more often (50%), and safer bus stops (50%).

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