Wake Forest Public Transit Plan - October 2023

Prioritization of Services and Amenities

When asked to rank the importance of bus services and amenities, most respondents prioritized reliable bus schedules (81 percent), bus and bus stop safety (79 percent), and bus stops that connect to pedestrian and bike facilities (71 percent). Less important to respondents were amenities like free bus fare (25 percent), charging stations and Wi-Fi (27 percent), buses that run until midnight (34 percent), buses that run before 7 AM (33 percent). Bus schedule reliability (90%) and safety on the bus and while waiting for the bus (86%) were also priorities among frequent riders. However, they were more likely to rate bus stop features like benches and shelters as important (89%) than the sample at large (74%).

Survey Demographics

Gender Identification of Respondents

A slight majority of question respondents identified as women (58 percent), while 37 percent identified as women and less than 1 percent as non-binary. Five percent (5 percent) indicated that they preferred to self-identify.

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