Wake Forest Public Transit Plan - October 2023

two most common identities among respondents who provided a response were white or Caucasian (70 percent), Hispanic or Latino (8 percent), and Black or African American (7 percent). Fewer respondents identified as Asian or Pacific Islander (2 percent), Middle Eastern or North African (2 percent), Native American or Alaskan Native (1 percent), or some other identity category (2 percent). Zero respondents (0 percent) identified as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Fourteen percent (14 percent) opted out of providing their racial identity. Nearly all question respondents indicated that they speak English very well (92 percent) or well (4 percent). Few respondents said that they speak English ‘okay’ (.5 percent), very little (.2 percent), or not at all (.2 percent). The survey also inquired as to which language respondents speak at home most of the time. The vast majority primarily speak English (n=416). Others speak Spanish (n=8), Portuguese (n=2), Arabic (n=2), Cantonese (n=1), Chinese (n=1), Russian (n=1), Italian (n=1), Hindi (n=1), Japanese (n=1), Yiddish (n=1), Yoruba (n=1), and Slovak (n=1).

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