Shaman's Journal 2023

self-service what-if analysis for collaboration.) Figure 4.10. Outside-in Models

Change the paradigm to think about demand as a flow. An effective technique to explore an outside-in model is to draw demand as a river. The flow starts in the channel ad na tda mi socvl ee sa ra, cdrroasws ct oh me rmi veerrc iaasl bt el ua em, sa. nWd hwehr ee rteh iencshi gahntns e l awriet hf eywo,utrh ee mwpaltoeyr ebeescaolml o ewssmy ou ur ktyo adni sdc bu rsos wt hne. Di sos ui negs tahni sd the available data while exploring the obstacles. In Figure 4.11, I share the Nestle demand flow for the new product launch developed in the Project Spark initiative with OMP. Figure 4.11 Nestle River of Demand in Project Spark

Ts toa rs tt at rhtet thees tpi rnogc ae ss sa, bt eraami n.sSt oe rl emc t t 5h -e2a0pvparroi pa br ilaetse t do abt ea gtion tMh ae rmk eot dderl ii vnegr—s at hr ee tl hi set mi n aTcarbo leec 4o n. 3oims ai c sftaacrttoi nr sg apf of ei nc tti. n g ma t ea raknedt di necml uadned t, hwehl iel ev edres mwai nt hdi nd rt ihvee rc so na rt reoml oofr seailme smaenddi - marketing programs. Table 4.3. Market and Demand Drivers

Ft oo rt essut cacne ds sl,ecarrena twe i at hs at hf ee st pe cahc en of ol or gtihs et sb. uDsoi nn’et srse ps tl rainc nt et hr se project by artificial goals, ROI targets, and timelines. Build ad icgri ot asls m- f uanr kc teitoi nn ga l t ge raomusp, dt oa ttaa cskc li ee nt ht ies tws , osrakl :e isnovpi teer at ht ieo n s , swaillelstatkeaemtism, ea.nd market insights backgrounds. The work



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