Shaman's Journal 2023

What Is Supply Chain Visibility? So of ,s wu phpyl yc acnh awi ne nv iosti bc irlai tcyk? tWh i hs yn ua rt ea wn de ssot ul vcek t? hTi sh ep rFoobul retmh Iens daursat pr iiadl cRheavnogl ue tti oo nt e, 4c hI Rn ,ool or gI yn, di nu ds tursyt r4i.e0s, , caonndc es po tcui eatlai zl - pc raet at es ri nn gs ianntde rpc rooncnees cs tei sv iitny tahned2i1nst te lcl ei gnet nu tr ya udtuoemt ao t ii no -n . I n 1999, British technologist Kevin Ashton coined the term Internet of Things (IoT) to define a network connecting people and objects around them. At the time, most people thought the topic was science fiction. Te do doabyj, etcht es Icnotl el ercntei nt go fa Tn hd i anng as l –y zai nv ga sdt ant ea tawnodr ka uotfocnoonmn oe uc ts-- ldye pv ee lrof op rmmei nn tg ot fa cs ok sm–mi su nb ieccaot mi o ni n tge ac hr ne oa ll iot gy .i eTshsaunckhs at os 5t hGe aa nn dd dr ealteav aa nn ac el y. tTi chse, rperaol b- tl iemme i ds at thaa it ss gurpopwl yi ncgh ai ni nv po rl uo mc ees s - es are inside-out. They cannot use the data. Ac hs aan rneesl u, sl tu, pt hp el ireer , i as nndo leoagsi ys t wi c as yd taot ai nutne lreosps ewr aet er ewt hi ti hn k enterprise architectures. Spur opdpul yc tcshaani nd vsiesri bv ii cl iet ys , iisn tchl uedtirnagc koarbdiel irt ys toa rt ut sr aacneda bpihl iyt ys - o f iacnaal lpy rs oi sdiuncctl us hd iepsml oegni tsst i fcrso amc tci vo int vi eesr, stiroann tsop or er tc,eai pn td. tThhe i s swt oa trek .oTf he ev ednetssi gann do fmpirl ae cs tt oi cnael ss owl ui tthi oi nn sa rme qu ul tiir- et ise rb uniel dt -i n g raonlael-ybtaicssedtosdorluivteioancstitoond. rive prescriptive and predictive

Five Lessons in Improving Supply Chain Visibility Ss uu pp pp loys cehyaoi nu aa nr ed stthr eu gi ng al ibnigl i twy i tt oh ut hs ee bn leatcwk ohrok l edsa ti an . ySoi tu r back and reflect on five lessons from the last decade. Lesson #1. Get Clear. One of the most significant iMs saupeys oi us ru ss ui npgp tl hy ec ht eari nm bvl iasci kb ihl iot yl ews . i Ut hnoduetr cs ltaarni dt y t. h e issues of latency and semantic reconciliation. Action Item. Form a cross-functional group and reflect on the problems over the past year. Use this insight to understand your supply chain visibility opportunity. Build a guiding coalition to side-step the market hype of shiny objects and build a workable solution. Lesson #2. Supply Chain Is a Team Sport. Enable the Flow of Information Across the Team. Man- an ge iendgs doaf tma iunl tsi pu lpeprl oy l cehs aai cnr ov isssi bt hi lei t oy rsghaonui zl da tmi oene. tTthhee sour gpapnl yi zcaht iaoi nn ss, hI To uol rdgba en iaz at et iaomn ss hp aovr et , abnuyt tihni nmgobsut t as htae da mo wa IpTp ri novaec sht. mT ehne tds ias rpea raapt er orbe lqeumi r. eGmo efno trst ahne d wr oilne -abnads ebdu pi l de rcsroonsas -rfeuqnucitri eomn aelnvtiss.i b i l i t y b a s e d o n Action Item. After mapping the supply chain black holes due to latency, size the prize. How valuable would it be to close these gaps, decrease the time to get data, and make a better decision? This answer is different for each organization, but it needs a solution to drive forward progress.



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