Shaman's Journal 2023

Will the disruption occur from the increase in venture capital spending? I would love to think so, but I find ts ruapnpslayc ct ihoani na l pt hl ai nn nk ii nn gg ba ny dv eanl touwr e- l ec va ep li tuanl ids et sr si nt amn doisnt goof f these discussions. Could SAP mobilize to redefine the space? Maybe, but I don’t see the leadership. Tn eh we i tnht ienrkj ei nc tgi ot on tohf eAtIe icnhnnoovl ao tgi yo nl ains das pc aops iet. i vMey, bbrei tn igsi nogn tchloeseemly.erging tech. If you are a technology leader, watch Prepare your teams to test and learn. Challenge conven- tion—the traditional definition of supply chain planning is passe. Tt oa kt he ec av roei caenodf eancj oo ny ttrhaer isaunma ms sehr.eArne dc otvhearnskfsr of omr sl ius rt eg ne ri ny.gI look forward to getting your thoughts.

Navigating The Ring Of Fire

61 To nh es ur ipnpgl yo fc hf i ar ei ni sp ec or fropromr aa tnec pe .oEl iat icchs eaxt et chuet ei vxee chua tsi vaedl ief vf eerl - ent perspective on the definition of supply chain excel - lence, but they are never discussed and aligned. The CFO believes that the supply chain should be efficient, the CIO This week, I spoke to John. He struggles to dance as a sup- ply chain leader in the ring of fire. You may also be facing the same issue. Let me explain. What Is the Ring of Fire?


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