TZL 1371 (web)



Culture carrier: William Nugent President and CEO of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (Northbrook, IL), a global firm that’s committed to helping clients solve, repair, and avoid problems in the built world.


W illiam Nugent joined WJE in 1976 and has since completed more than 500 investigation, testing, and repair design projects. He has presented lectures on structural failures, seismic performance, and cladding problems and repair techniques. “Our stated vision is to be a group of extraordinary people working together to set the standard in our business. Accordingly, we seek to employ people who have the potential to become extraordinary WJE professionals and who have the drive to work together to set the standard in our business and thereby make a positive difference in our world,” Nugent says. A CONVERSATION WITH WILLIAM NUGENT. The Zweig Letter: Since you joined the firm, what are some of the most significant changes you’ve seen? William Nugent: One significant change is the increase in our size. When I started, we had about 30 employees; today we have more than 700. However, by far the most significant change I’ve seen is our increasing use of

advancements in technology. When I started, we hand- drafted initial reports, relied on main-frame computers for our significant structural analysis work, and used pay-phones to call-in from the field. In our structural laboratory, we made strain and deflection measurements by hand or recorded them electronically one gage at a time with a voltmeter. The advent of desktop computing, electronic data acquisition systems, the internet, and – more recently – tablets, smartphones, and related technologies has changed the way we do business. It’s widened our capabilities, enhanced our efficiency, and generally made things much easier. TZL: Trust is crucial. How do you earn the trust of your clients? WN: We earn our clients’ trust by trusting our employees. Unlike many companies, we have very few rules and policies. Rather, we stress five core values: consummate professionalism, shared destiny, technical excellence, exceptional service, and fiscal responsibility. These are the principles upon which we strive to base all our actions.


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