PT Of Melissa. Do You Know About Direct Access?

The Governor of Texas recently signed a bill that will change the future of physical therapy in this state forever. For those who are unaware, Texas was one of only two states in America that still required patients to obtain a referral from a physician in order to access physical therapy. This is an issue for many reasons. Without direct access to physical therapy services, many patients live with painful conditions for far too long, only seeking assistance when pain becomes unmanageable.

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Health And Self-Care

DIRECT ACCESS IS COMING TO TX! Reclaim Your Healthy, Pain-Free Life!


Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

ALSO INSIDE: • Backpack Safety • Healthy Recipe • Patient Success Spotlight • Practice News: Now Offering One-On-One Appointments!

• Exercise Essentials • Free Pain Screening


don’tblame them! Inmanycases,aphysicianvisit forminorachesandpains may not even be necessary. Fortunately, forphysical therapistsandpatientseverywhere, this isno longer the case! With the signing of House Bill 29, patients now have direct access tophysicaltherapywhenevertheyneed it–withouthavingtogothroughtheir physician! This bill provides patients with:

The Governor of Texas recently signed a bill that will change the future of physical therapy in this state forever. Forthosewhoareunaware,Texaswasoneofonlytwostates inAmericathat still required patients to obtain a referral from a physician in order to access physical therapy.This is an issue for many reasons. Without direct access to physicaltherapyservices,manypatients livewithpainfulconditionsforfartoo long, only seeking assistance when pain becomes unmanageable. Physical therapists are movement experts who are trained in the methods of painrelief,prevention,andfunctional improvement. Insomecases,aphysician may not recommend physical therapy services simply because they do not have the same knowledge that a licensed physical therapist does on how much a patient can benefit from them. Furthermore, going through a physician to gain a referral every time is a hassle. Patients don’t want to spend the time and energy to do so – and we

• Improved Access to Care • Better Health Outcomes • Lower Health Care Costs

Do you want to learn more about how this bill can benefit you? Call PhysicalTherapy of Melissa today at 972.837.4450.

Together we get better! |

Backpack Safety

Backpack Strategies for Parents and Students Achingbacksandshoulders?Tinglingarms?Weakenedmuscles?Stoopedposture? Does your child have these symptoms after wearing a heavy school backpack? Carrying too much weight in a pack or wearing it the wrong way can lead to pain and strain. Parents can take steps to help children load and wear backpacks the correct way to avoid health problems. Loading the Backpack: • A child’s backpack should weigh no more than about 10% of his or her body weight.Thismeansastudentweighing100poundsshouldn’tweara loadedschool backpack heavier than about 10 pounds. • Load heaviest items closest to the child’s back (the back of the pack). • Arrange books and materials so they won’t slide around in the backpack. • Check what your child carries to school and brings home. Make sure the items are necessary for the day’s activities. • If the backpack is too heavy or tightly packed, your child can hand carry a book or other item outside the pack. • If the backpack is too heavy on a regular basis, consider using a book bag on wheels if your child’s school allows it. Wearing the Backpack: • Distribute weight evenly by using both straps. Wearing a pack slung over one shouldercancauseachild to lean tooneside,curving thespineandcausingpain or discomfort.

•Selectapackwithwell-paddedshoulderstraps.Shouldersandneckshavemany blood vessels and nerves that can cause pain and tingling in the neck, arms, and hands when too much pressure is applied. •Adjusttheshoulderstrapssothatthepackfitssnuglyonthechild’sback.Apack thathangs looselyfromthebackcanpullthechildbackwardsandstrainmuscles. • Wear the waist belt if the backpack has one. This helps distribute the pack’s weight more evenly. •Thebottomofthepackshouldrest inthecurveofthe lowerback. Itshouldnever rest more than four inches below the child’s waistline. •Schoolbackpackscome indifferentsizesfordifferentages.Choosetherightsize pack for your child as well as one with enough room for necessary school items. • Only put items in your backpack that you need for the day.

Healthy Recipe: Honey Garlic Salmon

INGREDIENTS • 1 1/4 lb salmon fillets • 2 tsp olive oil • salt and pepper to taste • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 1/4 cup water

• 1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce • 3 tbsp honey • 2 tsp cornstarch • 1 tbsp chopped parsley • lemon wedges for garnish

DIRECTIONS Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium high heat. Season the salmon with salt and pepper to taste. Place the salmon skin side up in the pan. Cook for 4-5 minutes per side or until cooked through. Remove the salmon from the pan, place on a plate while covering with foil to keep warm. Add the garlic to the pan and cook for 30 seconds. Add the water, soy sauce and honey combination to the pan, and bring to a simmer. In a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch with 1 tablespoon cold water. Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture into the pan and whisk to combine. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute or until sauce has just thickened. Return the salmon to the pan and spoon the sauce over the top. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with lemon wedges if desired. Recipe/Photo Courtesy: Sara of

Call Today! (972) 837-4450



Now Offering One-On-One Appointments!

We’renowprovidingone-on-oneappointmentswithyourDoctorofPhysical Therapy!Duringyourappointmentyouwillhave the fullattentionofyour PT, who will assist you with exercises, answer any questions, and will fullyencourageyou throughoutyour timeat theclinic.Thispersonalized attention isground-breaking inour industry,andwe look forward to fully servingyourphysical therapyneedsasyouarewelcomed intoourfamily!

September Birthdays!

When I began my PT, I was extremely limited in what I was able to do with my thumb, and what little I could do was painful. Now I have full range of motion, nearly all my strength back and practically no discomfort at all! All due to the help and encouragement by the staff of PT of Melissa!” - Randy J.

We want to wish you both a happy birthday and the best of celebrations!

Dr. Pamela Berner

Eli LaFond @ptofmelissa

Visit our website or follow us on Facebook to see what’s going on at Physical Therapy of Melissa!

CheckoutmorereviewsonGooglebysearching “Physical Therapy Of Melissa.”

Exercise Essentials

Enjoy this Special Offer!

Exercise To Relieve Knee Pain

Do You Suffer From Aches & Pains?

Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE PAIN SCREENING

Knee Flexion Start on all fours with your knee angle at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels until you feel a stretch in your knees. Return to the starting position, and repeat 6-10 times as needed.

If you have back pain, please give us a call and schedule a free screening so we can get you going!

Call Today! (972) 837-4450

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Offer expires 9-30-19

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