Being a Mental Health First Aider - Your guide to the role

You may be working as part of a team alongside colleagues who have completed other MHFA England courses, to become MHFA Champions or Mental Health Aware. Find out if your organisation has trained staff in these roles and how you might work together as a team. Each role is different but plays a part in supporting a mentally healthy organisation. Engaging with your employer

– Listen non-judgementally – Use ALGEE to provide Mental Health First Aid for the most common mental health conditions – Guide a person towards appropriate professional support – Consider becoming a Mental Health First Aider – Start a supportive conversation about mental ill health and listen non-judgementally – Guide a person towards appropriate professional support – Go on to become an MHFA Champion or Mental Health First Aider

MHFA Champions can: – Understand why mental health is as important as physical health – Help build a mentally healthy workplace and understand how Mental Health First Aid fits into the workplace – Recognise the main symptoms of mental health conditions Mental Health Aware can: – Understand why mental health is as important as physical health – Support a mentally healthy workplace – Recognise some signs of mental health distress

MHFA Champions

Mental Health Aware


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