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Volume 25, Issue 5
A Conspiracy to Kill President Trump Investigator’s Corner
By Douglas J. Hagmann September 2024
One such finding, although anecdotal, appeared in the Bethel Park High School yearbook in the local library’s reference section. The class pictures of two young men — Thomas Crooks and one of his classmates — were cut from the pages. Our inves- tigation determined that the removal occurred after July 15 but before August 15, 2024. Due to our ongoing investigation and privacy con- cerns, the identity of the second classmate is being withheld.
Notably, we found several stories, altered videos, and audio — some published by well-known sources, including one national news network, that were posted with questionable, if not malicious, in- tent. One example was an account that insisted that it was not Thomas Crooks who was shot and killed on the roof of the AGR building. Another name was published and republished, even after we found that individual alive and well at his apart- ment building in Pittsburgh, PA. It did not take us long to learn that our inves- tigative efforts were unwelcome by local, state, and federal law enforcement officials. While in the field, we were followed on at least three occasions, ques-
What you are about to read is my first public acknowledgment and details of our investigation into the July 13, 2024, attempted assassination of President Don- ald Trump. This information is exclusive to readers of Wisconsin
Christian News . My only request of you, the reader, is to prayerfully consider increasing your support of this publication and urge others to do so. My client contacted me in early August. Although I cannot divulge the identity of my client, it’s a name you would readily recognize. The request was
Question Everything
Although our assignment was limited in scope to the life and associations of the alleged assassin, we
tioned by police twice, and warned away from numerous po- tential witnesses at the instruc- tion of the FBI. I was even threatened with arrest for crimi- nal trespass — while in a public area and ultimately escorted from that location. One of the more disturbing events occurred just days before writing this col- umn; a message on my vehicle’s computer indicated that an “at- tempted theft [was] detected.” A garage mechanic determined that it was not an attempted physical theft but what appeared to be an attempted (albeit unsuc-
simple: determine the activities of the alleged assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, before July 13, 2024, and whether he acted alone on that July day in Butler, Pennsylvania. “Simple” does not, however, equate with “easy.” My first question should be ob- vious: Why me or my agency? Certainly, more than enough re- sources with much more author- ity would be available to my client, despite my 37 years of op- erating a multi-state private in- vestigative agency and the experiences from those years.
cessful) hack of the vehicle’s driving control sys- tems. That issue is still being investigated as it could be an innocuous computer “glitch.” The tim- ing, though, remains suspect.
The answers included my proximity to and knowl- edge of the area, my years in business, and other issues I cannot divulge, all of which eased my con- cerns. For those thinking that this case is a mon- etary jackpot, no fees were discussed. It’s about patriotism over profit and the survival of our na- tion. Realizing I could not do this alone, I called the late Russ Dizdar’s reformatted team leader, Luke from ShatterOps.org, and Landon from SaveThem.org for assistance. Both teams are com- prised of experienced investigators and, in my opinion, the most elite and effective in the field. In- stead of asking about their fees or expenses when they heard my request, both responded, “We’re on our way.” Because that’s what they do, That’s who they are. Eric, “the tech,” and Randy Taylor went “all in” as well. Within 18 hours of the request, a team was assembled. After an initial briefing, the team began their intense investigation. Our Findings: Thomas Matthew Crooks did not act alone and was part of a conspiracy to mur- der President Donald J. Trump. Based on a “preponderance of evidence” uncov- ered, we submitted that conclusion to our client as a status report near the end of August. We cen- tered our conclusion on the information we derived from over 240 total man-hours of investigation that encompassed numerous interviews, witness con- tacts, and extensive analysis of the data uncov- ered. Our findings are contrary to those recently pub- licized by the FBI. Consider that on August 28, 2024, Bobby Wells, assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division in Washington, D.C., stated that the FBI found “no evidence of a second shooter or uncovered any evidence Crooks’ had co- conspirators or was directed by a foreign entity.” We confirmed that the FBI destroyed biological and physical evidence within hours after the shoot- ing and opened the scene to the public and previ- ously scheduled events after just three days. Luke and Landon found numerous other oddi- ties, including the attempted complete expunge- ment of Crooks online and in the physical realm.
Thomas Matthew Crooks – Unlikely Lone Operator
While the preceding information does not address our conclusion that Crooks acted alone, it provides a relevant glimpse into the environment in which we are conducting our investigation. Any questions about the alleged shooter are not only discouraged but are met with a level of hostility that is usually found in spy novels and is certainly telling. In addition to our field investigation, we obtained electronic data, like that used for the 2000 Mules documentary and the Oversight Project of the Her- itage Foundation. Using such data, a clearer pic- ture is emerging relating to the activities surrounding various locations frequented by Thomas Crooks and his potential associates before and throughout the day on July 13, 2024. Match- ing that data with the field investigation results suggests that a support network existed and ap- pears to exist today. Landon and Luke are leading that vital aspect of our investigation. Their efforts and abilities demonstrated in this case alone should showcase the importance of their respective organizations, SaveThem.org and ShatterOps.org. Also telling is the sophistication of the explosive devices found in Crooks’ car. Contrary to published reports, someone with knowledge not readily found in open-source searching constructed these de- vices. Combined with Crooks’ forty-three visits to a shooting range between August 10, 2023, and July 12, 2024 – a range used by DHS and HSI agents and operators, a person of reasonable sen- sibilities would have questions. Wisconsin Christian News will publish more de- tails of our investigation and findings in subse- quent issues. Meanwhile, please pray for the safety of President Donald J. Trump, his family, rally- goers, and our nation. Also, please support Wiscon- sin Christian News so the truth can be spread, and you can stay informed of this and other vital news. HagmannPI.com
could not ignore the overlapping actions (and inac- tion) of the law enforcement assets on the ground at the Butler, PA, rally site, the voluminous post- ings of open-source theories, posts, videos, and re- ports published on the internet. Luke, Landon, Eric “the tech,” and Randy Taylor waded through hundreds of hours of videos and online reports from websites to social media accounts, spending several sleepless nights and consuming gallons of coffee in a quest to find anything helpful in addi- tion to the field investigation. “One such finding, although anecdotal, appeared in the Bethel Park High School yearbook in the local library’s reference section. The class pictures of two young men — Thomas Crooks and one of his classmates — were cut from the pages. Our investi- gation determined that the re- moval occurred after July 15 but before August 15, 2024...”
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