WisconsinChristianNews.com Volume 25, Issue 5 Intentionally ‘Queering’ Evangelical Churches By Emmett DeBarr September 2024
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within God’s plan for us through many Scripture references, in- cluding Romans 1 that includes even approving of these practices
there is a portion that specifically identifies an organization whose purpose is to bring acceptance of “queer” behavior into the evangel-
nity, the following are all funded by Arcus (directly or indirectly) with that aim: • Greg and Lynn McDonald “Embracing the Journey” video and book; • Matthew Vines’ “Reformation Project;” • the Gay Christian Network (now called Q Christian Fellow- ship); • FreedHearts; • Pastors in Process (“a confi- dential program that secretly trains pastors to stealthily ‘move the conversation on LGBTQ inclu- sion forward in [their] congrega- tion[s].’”) and a variety of others. Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, which even a non-Evan- gelical like me has heard of, has now embraced that agenda through “Embracing the Jour- ney.” It is another example of the goal to undermine the natural family (which is the building block of community) of heterosexual mar- riage of one man and one woman and their children….and turn it toward the individual only. The onslaught of the world, the flesh and the devil is being felt ever more openly inside the evan- gelical world. For more informa- tion, consider reading Basham’s book. It can be found on Amazon. May our God help us all stand firm on His Word and Truth.
Another source of trouble is being identified! For those who remember the story of the WEF and how they have been infiltrat- ing communities with their Young Leaders programs and their “Global Shapers” programs, this will sound all too familiar! In the WEF agenda, they have poured in millions of dollars to- ward activating/indoctrinating young people, hoping to make it appear that all these youth from so many places are spontaneously rising up to demand this type of global change…toward a one world government. If you recall the previous report, there are sev- eral of these groups in Wisconsin. It isn’t organic at all! It is strategi- cally sponsored! And so we move on to the issue of the LGBTQ+++ movement. Many of us are seeing the inclu- sion of these sexualized agendas coming into churches. I observed this at a funeral a while back, in eastern Wisconsin; typically a conservative area. There were no- tices posted in the restrooms to the effect that, if you were uncom- fortable with the gender of another person there that you should keep it to yourself and find ways to af- firm them. How do such practices as homo- sexuality and transgenderism find their way into these Bible faith based groups? It is clearly not
as being the same as doing them, to your own spiritual peril. As some church leaders affirm and support these perversions of sexuality we are SUPPOSED to believe that this, too, is completely spontaneous and coming from the grass roots. Again, we find that this is not the case. This topic is one of many that is well documented in: “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangel- ical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda,” by Megan Basham. Although this book covers in de- tail the various ways in which Bible teachings have been dis- torted and leadership infiltrated,
ical church. Ms. Basham identi- fied the Arcus Foundation, founded by Jon Stryker in 2000, with the specific goal of “challeng- ing the promotion of narrow or hateful interpretations of religious doctrine” within every major Christian denomination.” He is using his inherited mil- lions of dollars to promote their goals. This is NOT happening spontaneously! Basham lists several organiza- tions that are readily recognizable as being influential in the evangel- ical community in an excerpt from her work.
Within the Evangelical commu-
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