WCN Mid-September to Mid-October 2024

Volume 25, Issue 5


Page 35

Driving Directions To November 5th

and one in which I believe the family, specifically the parents, are being purposely separated

as appear, “with God all things are possi- ble.” Don’t forget that God is it may

brother or sister who is on a godly mission outside of your own calling? Encourage them and remember that like political candidates, no one is perfect, including you. Instead of ignor- ing or even criticizing them, why not be encouraging and see where you can both work to- gether? We are all part of God’s team, just with different assign- ments. In closing I would encourage you all to keep up the hard work. Be encouraging to others of like spirit seeking unity first and then expect the world to shift itself around your aim...amen? NaturalFamilyStrong.com Tel: 614-918-8228

By JR Harrison, Natural Family Foundation September 2024 When it comes to the prospec- tive outcome in our upcoming Presidential elec- tion there ap-

pears to be a rather sizable voter discrepancy. For exam- ple, Texas recently admitted to removing 1 million voters from the voter rolls and that 30% of non-citizens voted in previous elections. In Ohio, the Secre- tary of State admits that non- citizens have already started to vote in the upcoming 2024 elec- tion and that was in the month of August! Then there is the re- cent Rasmussen report with de- tails of a voter survey taken this summer that indicates 46% of non-citizens plan on voting in the presidential election! But wait there’s more! As the saying goes, “he who controls the information controls the world.” Even if we could as- sure that every voter is actually a qualified US citizen and we did have same day voting (per- haps a paid holiday) and use paper ballots only, there is still the elephant in the room and I’m not talking about Republi- cans. I believe that “elephant” is what Rush Limbaugh re- ferred to as the “drive-by media.” This is a media that presents an incredibly one- sided view of candidates and is- sues that undeniably favors one political party’s agenda over the other’s. Speaking of controlling infor- mation and in direct line with our press, our Government-run indoctrination centers annually pound our young children’s minds with liberal, God hating, “whitey” bashing, and other un- natural ideas. We are talking about an indoctrination process that has been taking place over decades since the early 1900s

from their heritage.

just and created natural laws to help us succeed and to keep us from harm if we abide in them. It’s quite possible that our na- tion is not necessarily under judgment but is merely overdue for a correc- tion.

Their children are being taught to disrespect their par- ents. It’s no longer about family anymore, it’s about me, myself and I with all children taught to identify as a victim and entitled to more than you have and you never have enough. A situation in which the State becomes the parent who will always give you your heart’s desire and right the wrongs of society . . . as long as you keep them in power. “Vote for me and I set you free.” Ok, so if you accept all of the above, now what? Don’t bother to vote and just wait your turn in the Gulag while losing all of your worldly possessions in the process. What about: “If My people humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land.” And please, prayer is always recommended, but note that God sees what we are doing, as well as our hearts and He is a just God. There are also those pesky “laws of na- ture” that God has set up and He, being perfect, cannot not break His own rules. “As ye sow so shall ye reap,” right?

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There is one more point and perhaps the most impor- tant to men- tion. “Where there is unity the Lord com- mands a blessing,” and folks, we could use a blessing right now.

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When it

comes to that unity here is my suggestion — and I be- lieve there is still time to turn this ship around. Why not pick out a

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Here’s the bottom line: As bad

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