excluding the miracle of creation and in connection with the first chapters of Genesis. There is the time of the Exodus, the time of Elijah, the time of Daniel (and with Jonah, although the latter lived a h u n d red y e a rs after Daniel), and the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. These “miracle pe riods” happened by a plan and purpose of God, not haphazardly. There was a time of crisis in the Jewish nation. The Lord revealed Himself in a miraculous and most unusual manner so that His people might worship the one true God. As far as healing is concerned, we do believe that the Lord works today as in accordance with the pleasure of His divine will. We should pray for healing, in the sense that we say in essence, “Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.” Q. Spokane, Wash. — “How should speaking in tongues, mentioned by Paul in I Corinthians, be inter preted today? Is it stiU something to be sought after, and if so, for what purpose? Or does I Corin thians 13:8 indicate the need? What do we do with I Corinthians U:39?” A. I Corinthians 14 shows that tongues were granted in the first century at the beginning of the church age. God’s message against sin is never popular. Here were the credentials for the faith. Many think these display gifts are to be sought after today. Scripture does not tell us to seek after them. The interpretation or exposition of Scripture is placed far ahead of speaking in tongues. Note I Corin thians 14:23 and 24. See the in dictment here. The one who speaks the message of God as a minister today has the real gift one is to seek after. The main purpose of having a sermon in the house of
“Thus saith the Lord!” The Lord said, concerning the church at Laodicea, “Ye are neither hot nor cold.” Christ said He would spew them out of His mouth because of this neutralism. The question im mediately arises, “What’s wrong with the old orthodoxy?” We hold to the historic, doctrinal position of the Word of God as concerns the cardinal truths of Scripture. Q. Escondido, Calif. — “Would you please explain Matthew 12:32. If no sins are forgiven in the world to come, why was this declared about this one sin, and what was that sin?” A. It is sometimes called the un pardonable sin which is attribut ing to the Holy Spirit the works of the devil. Because our Lord’s ministry is not physically on earth today, we do not believe that it is a sin which can be committed today. Of course, in the final ana lysis, rejection of Jesus Christ as Saviour will cause man’s eternal condemnation. Entrance into heav en must be made certain here on earth. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Fa ther, but by me.” Q. Portland, Ore. — “Why did one of your speakers state that we don’t have miracles in healing to day? Has God changed?” A. It would seem that we would have to know the exact statement which was purported to have been made, and in what specific con text. God c e r t a in l y has not changed! His nature, His being, His person, is always the same. Keep in mind, however, that God changes His methods in dealing with human beings from time to time. There are four great miracle periods found in the Word of God, 22
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