want only their own desires. The Apos tle Paul has warned us, “Awake to righteousness and sin not, for many have not the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.”
UNCONCERN It’s strange to see people today who are so disinterested in the needs of others. This past winter, newspapers recorded a shocking and amazing story from New York City. Three young hoys rushed up in desperation to a man near the Bronx Park, shouting, “Please help us! Our friend’s fallen through the ice. He’s drowning!” Without a word, or even any show of emotion, the man turned his back and walked away. Little ten-year-old Michael Dana drowned. The plea of the frantic youth was ignored. The man was indifferent to the impending tragedy. How heartless! Afraid to get his clothes wet, fearful of the cost, late for an appointment, or maybe unbelieving, he denied the impassioned cry. Still today an even more deperate plea comes from each comer of the earth. Men and women, sinking in the mire of sin, utterly hoper less and helpless without Christ, hold out their hands to us. Some years ago, on a Memorial Day in Indianapolis, a huge grandstand collapsed. The people in the adjoining seats unaffected were far too intent on the race to do any thing about it to help. Newspaper re ports stated that those nearby simply continued eating their fried chicken and drinking beer complacently. No thought was given for those who were strug gling and suffering in the adjoining stand. In some ways this is a sad pic ture of the church today, filled with self-satisfaction and lethargy. People 24
Money is something things run into and people run out of.
BLANK VERSE Have you ever seen a book which had only blank pages, with absolutely no printing in it? Several years ago a man published a volume titled, “The Wisdom ,of the Ages.” Inside was 500 pages of clean white paper. It was in 1929 during the depression, that a des pondent man produced a special volume entitled, “What I Know About Wall Street After Fourteen Years’ Experi ence.” It had 600 blank pages. Then, hundreds of copies of the French book, Nothing, sold at ten francs per book. It contained two hundred pages, every one of them empty. Well, while the wisdom of this world is soon brought to nought, yet we hold in our hands, or can easily possess within ready reach, a copy of the sacred Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make one wise unto salvation. God’s Word is the true wisdom of the ages. It has been expressed in the person and work, fin ished on Calvary’s cross, of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we use this wonder ful Word of Life to strengthen our own
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