Biola Broadcaster - 1968-08

hearts, for spiritual development day by day, that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ.

that morning! You know, over the past sixteen years, we have come to know and love many, many pastors in our radio audience. Still, I doubt if there’s one, including a man whom I deeply respect more than any of them, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, who really enjoys ask­ ing for money. The fact of the matter is that if we, as God’s children, gave in the manner prescribed in Scripture, there would never need to be any men­ tion of this subject in the church or over the air. It seems so paradoxical, that those who have so mush give so little, while those who have so little are the ones who consistently give so much. The poet capsulized it properly in penning, “Go, break to the needy sweet charity’s bread: ‘Forgiving is living.’ the angel said. ‘And must I keep giving again and again?’ My peevish and pitiless answer ran. ‘Oh, no,’ said the angel, piercing me through. ‘Just give till the Master stops giving to you’.” A practical prescription: When you feel discouraged, and consider giving up: just keep on another day and then another. GOD’S CAMERA Certainly there are definite and grow­ ing signs of moral and spiritual de­ clension on every hand. Yet medical science in recent years has made some tremendous strides. From the Univer­ sity of Melbourne we hear that a tiny television camera has been invented which may be swallowed by the patient. This then flashes clear pictures on am enlarged screen. By it conditions of the internal organs may be seen accurately and hopefully diagnosed by the doctors. That promises to be a great improve­ ment over X-rays, and at the same time, eliminates the danger of radia­ tion. While we may marvel at such a discovery, there’s something even more wonderful that will give a truer pic­ ture of the human heart. It’s God’s camera, for His omnipresent, omni­ scient eye not only reveals the sinful­ ness of man, but also it does what medi­ cal science could never achieve by tele- 25

Those who think it's all right to tell white lies soon become colorblind.

CURBING CRIME Without question, these are tremen­ dously significant days in which we are living. J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, re­ cently stated, “The tide of youthful lawlessness is rising at a terrific pace. Unquestionably, the heart of the juve­ nile delinquency problem rests in the home. When fathers and mothers ful­ fill responsibilities of parenthood, ju­ venile crime cannot exist.” That’s quite a perceptive evaluation. As parents, we need to follow the practical guidelines God has given to us in His Word. Our responsibiltiy is to bring up these young lives, entrusted to us, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Proverbs promises assuredly, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” MONEY APPEALS One thing about which people con­ tinually criticize the Christian minis­ try is appeals made for financial sup­ port. A man bitterly complained, “I get so sick and tired of hearing the preacher asking for money every Sunr day. He has to have more for the mis­ sionaries. He has to have some for the new building. He has to have some for the projects that the church is sup­ porting. It’s simply disgusting to hear all this emphasis on money.” But, for a moment, let’s follow that same critic out to the church parking lot where he opens the door to his new $b,000 auto­ mobile, driving to his comfortable home in beautiful suburbia, a/nd feeling quite content as he sits down to a luxurious roast beef dinner. Keep in mind, after all, he put a dollar in the offering plate The bigger the summer vacation, gener­ ally the harder the fall.

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