King's Business - 1916-08



“You see I am trying to improve my time and have been- thoroughly enjoying the work. The Lord has obviously been help­ ing me and things have not been so annoy­ ing as on the other trips. In spite o f the heat and glare I have also been spared headache and never felt better. It is a joy to be at this work and working at it hard. “But here, where things are so peaceful and uneventful, it is difficult to realize that there is so much excitement in the city. We

hear rumors ; o f shattered windows and burned buildings in the settlement, soldiers encamped in and around the city, the impor­ tation o f Japanese troops, closed city gates, impossibility o f getting ferried across the Yellow river, etc. Was inighty glad to get some reliable information. Have not wor­ ried at all as I know God is going to take care o f you and the rest, even if real trou­ ble should break out.”

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Which is the greatest book in the Bible? As every book in the Bible is o f Divine origin and was written for a Divine pur­ pose, it’ might seem difficult, if not impossi­ ble, at first thought to draw a comparison between things, all o f which are Divine. But though every book in the Bible has God for its author, not every book has the same purpose. , Every book serves a useful pur­ pose and a Divine purpose, but some o f God’s purposes are o f higher importance than others. There is one book in the Bible that states its purpose in the clearest terms, and that purpose is o f the very high­ est orderi That book is the Gospel o f John. The writer tells those to whom he wrote that he wrote the epistle “that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name” (Jno. 20:31). There are other books in the Bible that have led men to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son o f God, and thus .led them to obtain life through His name, but there is no other book in the Bible that has brought so many people to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son o f God as the Gospel o f John. Fortunately it is possible for us to have

the entire sixty-six books that constitute our Bible, but, if one could have only one book, the great majority o f Christians prob­ ably would choose the Gospel o f John. It contains everything that a man needs to know in order to be saved. It contains everything also that a man needs to know for many other purposes. While there are many other books o f the Bible most valua­ ble and most precious, we cannot but feel that the Gospel o f John is, taken all in all, the greatest book in the whole Bible. It is not strange, therefore, that this book has been the object o f special and persistent attack by the enemies o f Christ, and espe­ cially by those who do not wish to believe in His Deity, as almost no other book in the Bible. But all these attacks have sim­ ply served in the final issue to bring more clearly into light the Divine origin and value o f this book. That the book was intended to produce the impression that it was written by the Apostle John carinot be dpubted by any one who, carefully studies the book. I f it was not by the Apostle John then it was a forgery o f the most dar­ ing and base character. Can any one believe that a forger produced this book? Not if

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