King's Business - 1916-08



discipline does not inculcate—and they will employ them. The very existence o f our American institutions, the very life o f our democratic Republic, depends upon the train­ ing o f citizens in thinkiftg for themselves and abiding by the decisions o f the collec­ tive thought o f the community expressed in laws and the courts. Operators or em­ ployees who refuse to submit their differ­ ences'to proper arbitration, and insist upon employing force to push property rights or labor rights are the legitimate products o f militarism. The “ big stick” in interna­ tional relations is identical with sabotage in industrial disputes. The entire military system assumes the validity o f might, rather than o f judgment and conscience, to deter­ mine right and wrong. So long as it is limited, as at present, to our militia regi­ ments and the relatively modest standing army contemplated in present legislation before Congress, it may do little to menace the ideals o f the nation; but universal mili­ tary training is another matter. Our big country is not little Switzerland; our very size and wealth make us dangerous. We have stood for the use o f conscientious intelligence in the government o f all things; that to us is America. Shall we, under the hysteria o f this panicky day, exchange America for Prussia ? God forbid. On behalf o f the thousands who have sought our shores to escape the compulsory mili­ tary service o f Europe, on behalf o f those enslaved nations whose wealth has gone year after year to support this military establishment which has brought them not peace, but the most hideous war in history, let us as American patriots and as loyal believers in Jesus Christ resist to the utmost this attempt to deamericanize bur beloved America and dechristianize our Chris­ tianity. ^ Again, the mind o f Christ is both trustful o f others and seeks to awaken and keep their confidence. “Love believeth all things, hopeth all. things.” One reason why our country has been so widely trusted is that we have not tried -to make ourselves feared; and that trust has been a better protection

than the largest o f terrifying armaments. Fear—and a large military establishment is an attempt to gain safety by producing fear —never wins affection or develops confi­ dence. Every movement to augment our armed forces raises suspicion. No nation arms except for something and against some other y nation. Already the preparedness campaign in this country has had sinister results in Japan, where we need most to allayvthe ill-will engendered by our execra­ ble manners. If we must increase our forces on land or sea by never so little, it would be wise for the government to offer to pay the expense o f bringing five hundred Japanese students to this country and (more important still) o f sending, five hundred American students to study what Japan has to teach us, or to undertake some simi­ lar act o f international courtesy and good­ will, to offset the evil impression o f our growing fearfulness. Recent attempts have been made (a very able and eminently Christian one by a member o f this church) to restate the Monroe Doctrine so as to end the fears o f our Latin-Americanneighbors. This is the •right line o f preparedness. Everything that our country can do to remove causes o f ill-will and to evoke, the confidence o f other nations upbuilds our Christian defences. “Arm ye yourselves also with the same mind.” Above all the mind o f Christ believes in the living God, and that God is not force but love. The Christian way o f thinking gives no exemption from opposition and no immunity from suffering; but they who pursue it faithfully know themselves to be in the hands o f the Maker o f heaven and earth. This same apostle urging his read­ ers to arm with their Lord’s mind, adds: “Wherefore let them that suffer according to ,the will o f God comfiiit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator.” v The principles o f national morality for which we have been pleading this morning will not insure us against bitter experiences. They are a daring venture, and they will not appeal to the cowardly and the cau-

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