King's Business - 1916-08



travelling plaid over his arm, and was leav­ ing the house when some impulse struck him and he turned back, exchanging his own plaid ’ for one o f his mother’s, and giving his sister a look that spoke volumes. When he reached Sunderland the Commit­ tee had determined to go forward with the mission. Accordingly he was ordained by the Presbytery o f Newcastle, the first mis­ sionary to China o f the Presbyterian Church o f England. He sailed on the “Mary Bannatyne” June 9, 1847. During The Spanish Lessons Writing from San Salvador, Leroy W. McConnell expresses his opinion o f the value o f the Spanish edition o f the Sunday -School Lessons, which is being distributed by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. He says: “Many thanks for the copies o f your International Sunday School Lessons in Spanish, which I am distributing as sam­ ples. I would certainly like to get these new helps, as the notes are so much super­ ior and so much more o f them. Poverty is the prevailing condition here and it is naturally made much worse by the present war conditions.” The price o f the lessons is 50 cents per year; 35 cents per year, in lots o f ten or more. Donations are requested to help in sending them to missionaries and workers —they are now being sent free. ------- o— E&f Appreciative Pupils A rare testimonial, coming from a some­ what rare direction, is that o f a committee from the inmates o f San Quentin prison, and bearing upon the work in that institu­ tion o f Rev. George W . Hunter, representa­ tive o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. The report o f the committee reads as fol­ lows : “ The members o f the Bible class you have so ably and faithfully conducted for nearly four years in the California State Prison at Sari Quentin, wish to express to

the voyage he conducted public worship every evening in the public cabin, and after a week or two was allowed to conduct services in the morning as well. His time on shipboard was spent largely in the study o f the Chinese, translating from the Eng­ lish into the Chinese and then comparing his own work with the translation o f Rob­ ert*Morrison. He arrived at Hong Kong in December, the voyage thus occupying six months. (T o be continued) you their grateful appreciation o f your lov­ ing service. Your loyalty to ‘The Book’ and to the cause o f the Master whose life it portrays, has left an indelible impress on our minds and hearts. You have held up to us Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Our interest and our prayers will go with you into your new field o f useful­ ness. May you ever be what you always have been among us, ‘a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word o f truth.’ Your Children in Christ here will sorely miss your faithful ministry, but they will long remember how valiently you have wielded the Sword of the Spirit in the good fight o f faith.” This report is signed “Faithfully and Lovingly yours,” by M. M. Davison, Edward W . Hesse, George Ogle, and is -marked “approved” by A. C. '^Shepherd, chaplain. Mr. Hunter has been transferred to Seattle, where he continues in charge o f the extension work o f the Bible Insti­ tute o f Los Angeles. ---------- 0 --------- Bible Institute Receives Medal Among the exhibits at the Panama-Pa­ cific International Exposition in the Department o f Religious Activities, the exhibit setting forth the work o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, presided over by Rev. George W . Hunter, attracted much attention. The Institute recently received from the directors of. the Exposition a handsome diploma and bronze medal.

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