King's Business - 1916-08

B i b l e I n s t i t u t e A c t i v i t i e s THE MONTH ’S REVIEW

WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN Mrs. T. C. Horton, Snpt.

S HE was a physician, steeped in philos­ ophy, Theosophy and New Thought, carrying a heart full o f unrest, full o f hunger,, always longing for a something, a rest, a peace she had not found in her “vain philosophies.” The Bible Woman met her again and again in a professional way, but always the way seemed blocked for the presenta­ tion o f Jesus Christ. Each time the physi­ cian was most feverishly eager to present her views, her theories, her beliefs, and the Bible woman waited. Most unexpectedly the physician devel­ oped a serious case o f heart trouble, was ordered to discontinue all work and leave the city for a long rest. At the next meet­ ing between the two, the Holy Spirit opened the way for the presentation o f the truth a& it is in the W ord o f God. After a three hours’ Bible study, lasting till nearly mid­ night, and another one the next day o f the same duration (fo r there were many ques­ tions to be answered) this splendid, fine doctor gladly accepted the Lord Jesus as her personal Saviour, yielding her life to Him for service ; “ Being born again, not o f - corruptible seed, hut o f incorruptible, by the W ord o f God, which liveth and ábideth forever.”—N. , I was sitting on the inside o f the street car one cold morning, on my way to the city, and had taken out my Bible to read. A very stout lady got on, took a seat by my side and soon asked if I were a mis­ sionary. I replied in the affirmative and

she then asked if I had any tracts. I gave her some and asked if she were saved. She said she was not, but that she believed in those things and knew she ought to be a Christian. Her mother had been, and had often prayed with and for her. So right there on that street car the way o f salvation was made plain, and she gladly accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour* con­ fessing Him later to a friend o f mine when we left the; car in the city. A week later I hunted her up and found her in a little shack by the river, her former home having been washed away by last year’s flood. She was living alone, suth a desolate,, lonely life, with her two dogs and a few pigeons, but I found her rejoicing in her new-found peace. I have had many delightful calls in many kinds o f homes, but never in any have I had'greater joy than there in that poor, poor shack, as we talked together o f the love of Him who was Creator, and yet died in our place and for our sins. Her eyes were full o f tears, and. her voice too, as she said “ Oh, it is wonder­ ful.” Then we read together about His coming back Tor us, and she was as eager as a child—this woman o f 65—and she said “Oh, I’ll read this more now.” There was a glory in the humble dwell­ ing, and a Presence, unseen but real, who heard His two children as they talked and prayed together. The angels, I am sure, rejoiced over the answer to another moth­ er’s prayers, and Jesus had yet again “ seen o f the' travail o f His soul, and had been satisfied.”—C.

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