King's Business - 1916-08



need in San Francisco, prayer has been answered and a visit to San Francisco and also to Seattle is contemplated as He makes it possible. xVery much prayer is needed that He may richly bless the work on board the vessels in these harbors and raise up men to continue the work so that it can be made a permanent endeavor to reach every vessel from San Diego to Alaska as

they touch at one or the other port. God is sending hundreds o f thousands o f men from the heathen and European coun­ tries to our shores and these can be reached on the vessels and brought in contact with the Gospel o f Christ. A far reaching opportunity is ours and also a great respon­ sibility. Pray that His will may be accom­ plished definitely in this summer’s Work.

--------------O --------------- WORK AMONG THE JEWS Mrs. James A. Vaus, Supt.

TVyT ANY are the difficulties confronting I the Christian worker among the Jews, not the least o f which is the way one is sometimes compelled to labor day after day, week after week, and even month after month without visible results in the way o f conversions. ^Such has been our experience for a num­ ber o f months past, but the Spirit o f God has been working and as a result six Jews have accepted Jesus Christ as their Mes­ siah in the last few weeks. About two months ago we called at a little tailor shop where we found a young Russian Jew and his wife, both o f strict orthodox Jewish parentage. On our visit Mr. C. had all manner of objections to the teaching pf the Word. Then, too, he had a whole host o f tradi­ tions which to him were o f equal authority with the Holy Scriptures. These made him an exceedingly difficult person to deal with. Added to these, he had never seen a Hebrew Christian, and did not believe a

Jew would become a Christian except it was for money, love or fame. In obedience to an expressed wish o f Mr. C. we called again in company with a Hebrew Christian who not only gave per­ sonal testimony to Jesus as the Christ, but also ably reasoned from the Scriptures, proving that Jesus o f Nazareth was the Jews’ promised Messiah. Repeated interviews saw his objections swept away, one by one, and at the last interview he confessed that he' believed Jesus Christ, the son o f David, to be also the Son o f God, the Messiah promised to Jsrael, and accepted Him as his Saviour and promised to confess Him as such. The supreme test in the life o f a Hebrew Christian is when he first publicly confesses his faith in Jesus Christ, for in this sur­ render many issues are involved in which strong persecution plays a large part. Pray for this dear man that he may con­ fess with boldness and regardless o f con­ sequences, his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Representative The plans as outlined to date are, begin Bible-class work in Seattle, teaching after­ noon classes where open doors are made, and evening classes wherever and whenever the opportunity is given. So far two after­ noon classes are in the process o f organiza-

-------------- O -------------- THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Geo. W. Hunter,

Work begun here in Seattle very auspi­ ciously. I arrived on Wednesday, June 7, and had a call to conduct prayer meeting Wednesday night, so it was not long that I had to wait before getting into the “harness.”

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