20:7, 11; 16:25-34. Did Paul get pay for “over-time?” 2 Tim? 4 : 8 . (3 ) Touching Farewell, vs. 32-38. What did Paul covet? 2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Cor. 10:33. What was Paul’s trade? Acts 18:3. Where was this parting prayer probably made ? 21:5, f.g. Was Paul, as some say, a dry theologian and woman hater? vs. 37, 38; 21:5, 12, 13; Phil. 4:1-3: How did Paul lighten their sorrow? 1 Thess. 4:17, 18. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The King’s business requires haste.. (2) Will, you be at Pentecost? Ezek. 34:26. (3) He has a clear record who calls his daily comrades to attest it. (4) He who sows on his knees ( “humility,” v. 19) and waters with his tears, gets across. (5) When the preacher keeps back nothing profitable to them, the congregation is apt to keep back something profit able to him. ( 6 ) Public preaching should be supple mented by “house to house” praying. (7) Paul like Luther, would go to Jerusa lem though there were as “many devils as tiles on the house-tops.” ( 8 ) Paul was unmoved,' for his house was on the Rock. (9) One thing was “ dear” to Paul, his dear Lord. (10) Our leaders now smile over what Paul cried over. (11) Only the sanctified shall be glorified. (12) “ These hands”—beautiful hands, grimed and scored, “but—empty. (13) The best “goodbye” is prayer; the best “Amen” is a tear. (14) He who is pure by the blood o f the Son o f Man, should also be pure from the blood o f the sons o f men. (15) Every shepherd is a sheep, and every sheep is a shepherd. (16) Are there any wolves in yqur denomi nation ?
Is there a rainbow in such tears? Psa. 116:8; Isa. 25:8. To what trials does Paul refer? 19:9,/ 29; 1 Cor. 15:32. Were Paul’s “profitable” things held profitable by all? 19:26, 27 ; 2 Cor. 4:2. What did these “profitable” things cost some? 19:19. What had Paul “shewed” them, and by what means ? 18:28. In what sort o f places did Paul preach? 19:8, 9; 17:17, 22; 18:7; 28:30, 31. Did He do individual ( “personal” ) work? 1 Thess. 2:11. Should we testify to Jews (though they “ lie in wait” ), as well as Gentiles? Rom. 1:16; Gal. 3:28. What was the gist o f Paul’s preaching? v. 21; 17:30; 16:31. Through what agencies did the Holy Spirit witness? 21:9, 10; 1 Cor. 12:10, 14. What was the nature and purpose o f Paul’s afflictions? 2 Cor. 1:3-5; Col. 1,:24. When did Paul receive his ministry from Christ? Acts 26:13-20. (2 ) Testimony to His Faithfulness, vs. 25-31. What Old Testament prophet so chal lenged (vs. 20 , 26) his conetmporaries ? 1 Sam. 12 :l-3. Where will the record be reviewed ? 2 Cor. 5:10. How may one be “pure from blood?” Ezek. 33: 8 , 9. What are preachers prone to shun? Rom. 3:12; 5:12; Rev. 21:8. How did Paul regard his duty? 1 Cor. 9:16. What had the flock cost the Owner? 1 Peter 1 :18, 19. What hope is set before faithful shep herds ? 1 Peter 5 :4. Against what specific enemies o f the flock were the elders warned? Matt. 7:15; .2 Peter 2 :1 ; 1 Tim. 4:1-6. Was Paul an “optimist?” 2 Thess. 2:7- 12 . Whence were these “wolves” to emanate? 1 Tim. 1:20; 1 John 2:19; 2 Cor. 11:14, 15. Did Paul demand an eight-hour day?
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