King's Business - 1916-08



20:7, 11; 16:25-34. Did Paul get pay for “over-time?” 2 Tim? 4 : 8 . (3 ) Touching Farewell, vs. 32-38. What did Paul covet? 2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Cor. 10:33. What was Paul’s trade? Acts 18:3. Where was this parting prayer probably made ? 21:5, f.g. Was Paul, as some say, a dry theologian and woman hater? vs. 37, 38; 21:5, 12, 13; Phil. 4:1-3: How did Paul lighten their sorrow? 1 Thess. 4:17, 18. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The King’s business requires haste.. (2) Will, you be at Pentecost? Ezek. 34:26. (3) He has a clear record who calls his daily comrades to attest it. (4) He who sows on his knees ( “humility,” v. 19) and waters with his tears, gets across. (5) When the preacher keeps back nothing profitable to them, the congregation is apt to keep back something profit­ able to him. ( 6 ) Public preaching should be supple­ mented by “house to house” praying. (7) Paul like Luther, would go to Jerusa­ lem though there were as “many devils as tiles on the house-tops.” ( 8 ) Paul was unmoved,' for his house was on the Rock. (9) One thing was “ dear” to Paul, his dear Lord. (10) Our leaders now smile over what Paul cried over. (11) Only the sanctified shall be glorified. (12) “ These hands”—beautiful hands, grimed and scored, “but—empty. (13) The best “goodbye” is prayer; the best “Amen” is a tear. (14) He who is pure by the blood o f the Son o f Man, should also be pure from the blood o f the sons o f men. (15) Every shepherd is a sheep, and every sheep is a shepherd. (16) Are there any wolves in yqur denomi­ nation ?

Is there a rainbow in such tears? Psa. 116:8; Isa. 25:8. To what trials does Paul refer? 19:9,/ 29; 1 Cor. 15:32. Were Paul’s “profitable” things held profitable by all? 19:26, 27 ; 2 Cor. 4:2. What did these “profitable” things cost some? 19:19. What had Paul “shewed” them, and by what means ? 18:28. In what sort o f places did Paul preach? 19:8, 9; 17:17, 22; 18:7; 28:30, 31. Did He do individual ( “personal” ) work? 1 Thess. 2:11. Should we testify to Jews (though they “ lie in wait” ), as well as Gentiles? Rom. 1:16; Gal. 3:28. What was the gist o f Paul’s preaching? v. 21; 17:30; 16:31. Through what agencies did the Holy Spirit witness? 21:9, 10; 1 Cor. 12:10, 14. What was the nature and purpose o f Paul’s afflictions? 2 Cor. 1:3-5; Col. 1,:24. When did Paul receive his ministry from Christ? Acts 26:13-20. (2 ) Testimony to His Faithfulness, vs. 25-31. What Old Testament prophet so chal­ lenged (vs. 20 , 26) his conetmporaries ? 1 Sam. 12 :l-3. Where will the record be reviewed ? 2 Cor. 5:10. How may one be “pure from blood?” Ezek. 33: 8 , 9. What are preachers prone to shun? Rom. 3:12; 5:12; Rev. 21:8. How did Paul regard his duty? 1 Cor. 9:16. What had the flock cost the Owner? 1 Peter 1 :18, 19. What hope is set before faithful shep­ herds ? 1 Peter 5 :4. Against what specific enemies o f the flock were the elders warned? Matt. 7:15; .2 Peter 2 :1 ; 1 Tim. 4:1-6. Was Paul an “optimist?” 2 Thess. 2:7- 12 . Whence were these “wolves” to emanate? 1 Tim. 1:20; 1 John 2:19; 2 Cor. 11:14, 15. Did Paul demand an eight-hour day?

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