King's Business - 1916-08

THE KING’S BUSINESS 679 ness to which the human race has fallen a prey so utterly incomprehensible and ruinous as the madness o f war. But some one will say that national dishonor is worse than war. That depends a good deal upon what one means by national dishpnor. What many mean by it is the failure to foolishly resent and avenge by bringing calamities on some other nation, some real or imagined insult. Many of our present-day- so-called statesmen would be willing to deluge this land in blood in order to gain a little applause from the galleries, or to strengthen their prospects of gaining an office, or make fat thé pocketbooks of the muni­ tion makers. Why can we not act as reasonable beings and not as boys ? Why can we not act as Christians ? ' - are face to face with race suicide in a more appalling form in the present war. Unless the war comes to a close very soon there will be little left of the best young manhood of England, Scotland, France, Germany, Poland, Servia, and other lands. A good many of those who are not killed, will be maimed and practically useless for life. There will be a famine of fit fathers. An appalling number of the men that are left« will be Insane. There will be an appalling decrease in the number of births of babies of the right sort for a quarter of a century to come. But how is the war to be stopped ? Who can stop it ? A las! if it is stopped soon there will be other wars not many years hence. There is no possibility of a satisfactory and final solution of present social and inter­ national difficulties but the return of the Lord Jesus Himself to take the reins of government. But the one who knows his Bible, knows that He is coming, ffl| increasing darkness of our days simply fills one with increasing hope that the glad day of the return of our Lord and of our redemption is fast drawing nigh. _ - , , We have heard a great deal in recent years concerning race suicide because of the decrease in size of families. None too^much was said on this subject and we have seen nothing that was said that was too.strong, but we Suicide. . Orange county, Cal., has an article in a recent number of 1he Christian Statesman, in which he points out how bad the conditions are in his own and neighboring counties. After giving the exact facts for Los Angeles county, San Diego county, San Bernardino county, Riverside county and his own county, he sums it all up by saying: It will be seen that, in Los Angeles county, for every 2.71 marriages one ends in divorce; in San Diego county, for every 3.63 marriages one ends in divorce, San Bernardino county, one divorce for every 4.15 marriages; River­ side county, one divorce for every 5.12 marriages, and in Orange county, one divorce for every 14.67 marriages.” At first glance it will seem to many as if Orange county must be much better than other counties, but it is a well known fact in Southern California, that a great many people from other counties go to Orange county to be mar- ned, it being a regular Gretna Green, but then after getting married they go . . One of many signs of the awful increase of god- lessness and immorality in the present day is the appall- ing increase in divorces. Judge W. H. Thomas of The Divorce PenI*

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