King's Business - 1916-08



crime in the world’s history rather than prejudice his political interest. He was a typical politician, and in him we see the fesults o f compromise. But he made another effort to set Jesus free, which of course failed. The chief priests in their determination to put Jesús out o f the way renounced all their Messianic hopes and cried, “W e have no king but Caesar.” Alas ! for the -men who have no king but their earthly king. Pilate yielded and delivered Jesus to be crucified. Romanism and Public Schools T HAT the Church o f Rome is trying j every way possible to get control o f our public schools is a fact which only Roman­ ists themselves deny; and not all o f that faith deny that, says Messiah’s Advocate. Most o f them would admit it. They allude to our public schools as poor schools, places where godlesSHess and immorality are bred, etc. Now the proof o f the pudding they say is in the eating o f it. Let us go to the facts o f the past. The following countries are Roman Catholic -countries. Note the figures. W e give the percentage o f the pop­ ulation that is over ten years old which cannot read or write. W e give the Catholic countries first. Ireland, 17; Belgium, 18; Austria, 26; Hungary, 40; Italy, 48; Chile, 49; Argen­ tina, 54; Cuba, 56; Portugal, 73; Mexico, 75; Spain, 78; Brazil, 85; and Guatemala, 92t How does it look? Now for a picture o f Protestant countries. Germany, one-tenth ‘o f 4 ; Denmark, one- fifth o f 1; Switzerland, three-tenths o f 1; Sweden the same; Scotland, 3% ; Holland, 4; England, 5 and four-fifths; United States o f America, 7 and seven-tenths. Will men look at these figures and argue that Roman Catholicism believes in enlightenment by education ? With such a record what a mess would Rome make of our public schools! She has proved over and over again to the satisfaction o f us all that she is the teacher o f ignorance and superstition, and that she despises LIGHT from any source, and that her priests plan

to keep their devotees in the darjc. Verily, her control o f our public'schools would be a tragedy o f tragedies, a calamity o f calam­ ities, and a thing we would repent o f in sack cloth and ashes, IF it ever became true. But light is breaking. It will never be. --------- 0 ---------- The Salvation Army’s famous bread line in Cooper square, New York, will be abolished, it has been announced, because the Army has become convinced that the men who compose it are beggars who do not wish to work. An officer o f the Army, accompanied by a civilian employee o f the police department in charge o f the bureau o f unemployment, offered work recently at wages ranging from $1 to $3 a day to men in bread lines in all- parts o f the city, but were unable to find one who would accept a job. They have applications from out­ side the city for more than 300 workers.

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