King's Business - 1916-08


THE KING’S BUSINESS “The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh” b w > An exam ination of the Scrintures O n tho I O n a t h n ( lit« T I M r c _ . * x i _ _ _^ . _ _ _ __ A i ti f t cript res on the Length of Th e TIM E S of the G E N TIL E S W H EN Did Th e y Begin? W H EN W ill Th e y Term inate? Price 5c each, 30c per doz., 48 Page Pamphlet, Fourth Edition, (revised) 50th Thousand. or $2.00 per hundred Postpaid. NEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS:

of ‘The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh.* For 20 years I have read and studied every­ thing I could get hold of upon the subject of the_ Lord’s coming. Your pamphlet is the best from the particular viewpoint taken that I have seen.” “ Please find enclosed 50 cents for which send me some more of your little booklets on the ‘Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh.’ I want to • spread the news as much as possible, in my country. I have been preaching for 25 years and I have sought light on this great chronologi­ c a l question from- many sources and am well acquainted .with the subject, but I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord for directing you by his Divine Spirit in putting these gre^t truths together. Especially the feast of Trum­ pets as antitypical of the rapture and the rev­ elation. Also the year day theory, 2520 years. I see by the great magazines and periodicals {Lat r* ls making a great flurry with the D. D. s, who £ive it great praise, and are not able to refute its scripturalness.” \ “Have just received one copy of the third edition. Have heard quite a few adverse criti­ cisms- on them but they, don’t amount to any- ' ln ~the *ace °* PM* facts of the antitypes of The Feasts of Jehovah given in Leviticus AXin. They are just lovely. Kindly send me 100 copies of the third edition. I am sending them to. all my relatives, trusting the Lord will use them to their awakening and salvation.” “ Had never noticed until this morning that m Rev. 4 where the calling up of John is sup­ posed tp typify the calling of the church,- he heard As it were a trumpet talking with him.* t think your booklet is wonderfully convincing and I hope and pray that th e' very next Feast of Trumpets will mark the Rapture of the Church.” “Just received three copies of ‘The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh.’ Will say it is just what I believe the Scriptures to teach, and the fixing of the begmning_of the Times of the Gentiles is the point of* interest to me. I en­ close check for which send me 100 of them. If I had the money' I would sow the state of Kan­ sas with this message, which I believe God would bless.”

“J believe, dear brother, the teaching of your little book is simply 'irrefutable. The scriptures together with the “ signs of the times” point most convincingly (if there is -sufficient intelli­ gence and tap mind is free from prejudice, envy and such hindrances) to its being fulfilled to the very letter. I don’t understand why intelligent Christians will not allow their eyes to be anoint­ ed and opened to see in these things the work­ ing out of the wonderful purposes of God. I feel strongly and calmly convinced that the teachings set forth in your little book is the teaching of the Spirit of God.” “I was led by the Lord to examine your adver­ tisement of your pamphlet “ The coming of the Lord draweth nigh,” After doing so, I got a TMpyt fbJihold it as a treasure until I am sure 111 be able to get another. Praise His match­ less name. Why Hallelujah! the prospect is too much. Praise His name. He now bears wit- ness with me that L am ready for the coming ot the Lord. I enclose the stamps necessary to get a dozen, but I feel almost ashamed to re­ ceive the dozen for so very little, but when He h^had done'”** rewar<* every man according as “ Since receiving your pamphlets.I have been reading them over, parts of them several times, and I have, I think, enjoyed them more than any other treatises pn these subjects. The sec- pnd coming of our Lord I have that to be a difficult subject to handle. I have thought it to be an abused one. I have enjoyed in yours the tenacity ¿vith which you adhere to the Scrip- S I S i £ n2 the absence,°f unproved statements.” 1 think your uses of the ‘feasts’ are splendid, i. e., as antitypes and to me beautiful as well as true, and your method of counting of time a revelation to me, and in fact I follow it all m m Wlth an mcreasinS interest and de- ethTN C v ° We^ Comin« ?f the Lord Draweth Nigh or The Times .of the Gentiles,’ came into my hands a fortnight! ago. I thank God “ v Several important points have been UfP,i°r ™e—noraldy the beginning of the Times of the .Gentiles.’ Ezek. 1:2, etc., e tc” Enclosed is my check for $2.00 for 100 copies

Address C. I. BAKER, 6 2 1 W yandotte S t., Kansas City, M o., U. S . A. F i r s t A i d to S t u d e n t s Many Students of our Training School for Christian Workers are striving to pay their expenses by Securing Subscribers to this Magazine In their behalf we ask the aid of All Their Friends and Ours

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