Let’s Talk Trash! - news


Let’s Talk Trash News! is a fantastic publication. It is colorful and highly engaging for students of all ages. My Creative Writing students work on the issue and they love it. They learn by researching articles that they write. Debbie Keenan is so encouraging that the students love to see her visit every week. Over the

Rick Amburgey, English Teacher CCCHS

course of a semester, I have watched writing for Let’s Talk Trash News! turn into a source of pride. Every issue is better than the previous one and working on the issues makes students more aware of the impact litter has on the environment and their community. - Rick Amburgey

The potential benefits are immense and long lasting. Continuing exposure to environmental issues including, but not limited to littering, is the best way to imprint on our youth and aid them in becoming aware of the world around them and their responsibility to it. When a child is reached in the early years of education, learned behaviors are more likely to become life long habits. With Let’s Talk Trash News! there is an opportunity to empower children through education that will provide a heightened awareness of their environment and allowing them to make the world they live in a better place at their own personal level. We find that students are already creating an impact in their own families; when a student sees a family member discarding things improperly, they are quicker to advocate for proper disposal. We see kids in schools stopping on their own to pick up litter off the floors and discard it properly. This is the beginning of a ‘first awareness’ of their surroundings. Through Let’s Talk Trash News! we challenge K-8 kids to deal with litter in classroom exercises in the areas of Literature, Math, Arts, and Science. At each grade level, there are appropriate exercises, stories, or activities to engage both the teachers and students. We challenge kids to get involved, be aware, and show their talent. The litter project engages students, families, teachers, and the community.

My eighth grade year is when I found my passion for writing. Even that summer when school let out I still continued to write short stories and do like movie reviews or book reports. I was just so fascinated with getting my points across and expressing myself. When high school rolled around in August, I had Rick Amburgey as a teacher for English,

Kylie Gonzalez, 10th grade student CCCHS

and when he told the class about how he had a book published and that he wrote articles for papers, I just really found a connection and wanted him to become my mentor and teach me everything about writing! It wasn’t until about a couple of months until Mrs. Debbie came to talk to the English 1 classes and introduced Let’s Talk Trash News! . What most appealed to me was Mrs. Debbie’s dedication and energy for the paper; so, I met with her after class and she gave me more information and her card. Well, I was so excited I called her the next day after I talked to my mom about it because I just knew this was for me! Mrs. Debbie came back and she informed Mr. Amburgey and I that she was creating a writing group from students at CCCHS (Cheatham County Central Highschool). I was head over heels, so I just dived right in. I would definitely say with all the articles I have written, I have learned so much with Mrs. Debbie and her expertise; she has just taught me so much and I don’t think that I would be the person I am today, because she just plays such a big roll in my life. Whenever I have a conflict with writing or even in life she is there and I’m so grateful for the doors she has opened and the way she has been there. I’m hoping one day I can contribute a bigger roll in the publication so I can give other kids/the younger generation and future generations the opportunity I got and have! - Kyle Gonzalez

TESTIMONIALS (continued)

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