Lexington Visitor's Guide 2023



Annual Events

February » Chamber/Ag Banquet

March » Platte River Beer, Wine & Spirits Migration Fest

May » Sunday Stock Car Races Begin

July » Dawson County Fair » Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament » Lexington Tennis Tournament

August » Wings & Wine, Beer & Brats » Junior & High School Rodeos » United by Culture Festival

September » NSRA Finals

October » Trick or Treat Plum Creek

There is so much to see and do in Lexington and the surrounding area in 2023! The Platte River Beer, Wine & Spirits Migration Fest is planned for late March during the heat of the Sandhill Crane migration season. Celebrate locally made craft beers, regional wines and spirits at the Migration Fest! Stock car races begin in May at the Dawson County Raceway. The Dawson County Fair will be at the Dawson County Fairgrounds in July. Here, youth participate in life-skills contests ranging from cooking, sewing, and photography. Young ranchers compete in livestock shows showing off their sheep, hogs, cattle, dogs and even cats! The carnival is in town, and many vendors and open-class competitions take place. August is busy with the Wings & Wine, Beer & Brats event and the United by Culture Festival. In December, Santa travels to downtown Lexington during the annual Light up Lexington Christmas Parade and visits with children on the first three Saturdays of the month. Fire truck rides are also provided by the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department.

December » Light up Lexington Christmas Parade » Santa Visits and Fire Truck Rides, downtown Lexington » Hometown for the Holidays-Shop Local

For the full schedule, visit www.lexcoc.com

Dawson County Historical Museum

805 N. Taft Street • Lexington • 308-324-5340 Tues-Sat 10:00-4:00 • www.dchsmuseum.com

OpenDAILY except Christmas and New Year’s Day Mon - Sat • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sun 1 - 5 p.m.

Just off Interstate 80 at exit 237 Lexington, Nebraska. 308.324.6329 • 606 Heartland Road • Lexington

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