Populo - Volume 1, Issue 1

in the example of the “Three Children and a Flute” invoked by Sen (Deneulin,

2011). International organizations such as the International Labour Organization

and the World Bank have also benefited from his pioneering inputs on poverty,

famine, human rights and gender inequality. Arguably, the most notable real-life

application of Sen’s insights was the launch of the Human Development Index by

the United Nations Development Program in 1990. The conceptual foundation

of the HDI relied heavily on Sen’s writings, as well as on his personal advice to

the UNDP (Leelavathi and Gopalakrishna, 2012). The HDI seeks to widen the idea

of progress by focusing on the actual lives of people and their capabilities in

order to provide a more complete measurement of development. Several

governments have employed adapted versions of the HDI in order to foster local

development. In Argentina, for instance, the creation of the “Extended Human

Development Index” has been used to inform policies and for a better

redistribution of wealth. Similarly, the “Human Development Atlas” in Brazil has

aided policy decisions in different states and municipalities (Dervis and Klugman,

2011). After the creation of the HDI, the UNDP also introduced the Gender-

Related Index and the Gender Empowerment Measure with similar purposes but

related specifically to gender inequality (Leelavathi and Gopalakrishna, 2012).

All in all, Sen’s departure from mainstream understandings of justice has

offered a new insightful account that incorporates the advancement of human

capabilities into global development and human rights. Sen’s perspective of the

capability approach is sensitive to its limitations, but has made a real impact in

broadening the discussion about global justice. Shifting the attention of

researchers from resources to a realisation-based conception focused on people

has proven to be crucial to the execution of justice. Additionally, the application

of the mathematical results of social choice theory as means for public

discussion is an innovative account that makes space for a plurality of impartial


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