99-101 Clouds Hill Road Bristol PLANNING APPRAISAL
(iii) To the east, a terrace of gable-fronted properties provides the immediate context to which any development will be seen against. This terrace is effectively three-storeys, with the lower-level at the front being set below the road (lightwells). The terrace also creates a building line, which the frontage of any infill development on the site should seek to respect by not sitting significantly forward of. This has the benefit for creating front yards that act as defensible space, off the pavement and provides an area for bin storage and possible cycle parking (lockers). Other considerations for infill development would be the general form the buildings would take. Given the neighbouring terrace and predominance of pitched roofs in the area; a standard pitched roof development is likely to be favoured by the Council. A gable roof provides the most internal roof space for additional rooms. The overall design of the dwellings can vary given the range of appearances in the area, so should not be seen as a constraint. Furthermore, the Holmes Hill Road frontage currently hosts a stone wall, which would need to be penetrated/lowered in places, but if retained/rebuilt (stone re-used), would be positive addition to any application and should be seen as a planning benefit to the Council. The Council may not require off-street parking to be provided for the development at the rear, however, there would be space for on-plot parking. This would benefit any application as it would add value to the development and minimise the amount of local objection, which is likely to surround parking pressures (a common theme for any residential planning application). Bristol City Council does not have a minimum standard size for gardens but will be guided by the level of accommodation proposed i.e. three-bedroom units are likely to be suitable for families who will require larger gardens. The site has the ability to accommodate good sized gardens to the rear of the infill development (and the rear of Clouds Hill Road). These gardens will also help provide a buffer space between the buildings and around any neighbouring trees that remain.
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